"Cloud, wait" Tifa said as she ran after him.
"It's kind of a long story, and I don't think Kairi would want me to tell anyone, you should probably ask Kairi yourself."
TIfa walked over to Cloud, "You can do it, I have my faith in you."
"Cloud..." Tifa said hopefully.
"Cloud, I don't want to hurt you" Tifa said, but if you continue to attack Larxene, then I'll have no choice.
Axel charged up his chakrams. "It's three against one, you're outnumbered." Tifa said joyfully. Is it three against one?
ANF, I'll make another sig for you later. I like graphic making I think it's fun, but I've got to make lunch in a minute and yay Demyx! *claps* Tifa took out her sword. "Well if you feel that way..." Axel circled the area with fire.
Tifa saw Axel enter the scene, she twinged a bit when she remembered the burn marks she got from last time. "You could say that, Larxene it would be nice to see your pretty face around our area, why don't you join us," he said while holding out his hand.
Yeah, I couldn't think of the right word to say... "Kairi, long time no see" Axel said walking into the area. "Did you miss me?" He said while summoning his chakrams.
I bought him in earlier, he's under Sora's control.
Can I get Axel into the fight scene?
"Cloud, stop it, listen to your own voice" Tifa tried to reason with Cloud.
Sorry I'm being kicked off the computer.
"Kairi it's not your fault" Tifa said reassuringly.
Tifa looked at Kairi nervously, how would Cloud take the news?
Tifa waited for Kairi to answer Cloud's question.
"It's OK, you weren't yourself" Tifa said to Cloud, "Anyway, I have been in worse situations."
Tifa didn't trust Namine, but it looked like Cloud had broke free and knew what he was doing so she ran up to join him.
Tifa looked up at the sky, tears were streaming down her cheeks. "If I hadn't had been here, this wouldn't have happened to Cloud" she thought to herself.
Tifa walked back a few steps. A few tears were forming, the Cloud she knew had gone now, she pulled out her own store, the one she had bought from the weapon shop, just in case she would need it. ooc: I've got to go now, I'll be back in a hour.