ooc: I'll be back in a bit.
"But how are we going to do that?" Tifa said unsurely.
Tifa nodded, she had got a feeling that Yuffie was right, Yuffie always knew what to say to make her feel better.
"Cloud is completely under Sora's control and he's... trying to kill me." a tear meandered a way down her cheek. "And it's not just me he's after..." She didn't know how to say to Yuffie that she was another target without worrying her.
"Yuffie..." Tifa said in between breaths, "I'm afraid the situation has got worse..."
Tifa put her finger where Cloud had taken the skin of. She took her finger off and looked at it and she saw, a line of blood on her finger. She looked up at Cloud, she had to fight, because she had to protect Yuffie and the others. ooc: I've got to go, I'm really sorry.
Tifa backed away slowly. She knew that this wasn't Cloud talking. However, he couldn't seem to fight whatever was controlling him. She pulled out her sword for defence. However she promised herself that she wouldn't hurt him.
"Cloud" Tifa said putting away her sword, but she didn't take her hand away, just in case,"Listen to your own voice, you're not acting under your own will."
Tifa dodged the attack. I'm really sorry, I've got to go to school.
"I never thought it would come to this" Tifa said to herself.
Tifa knew that she had to fight back if she was to survive, so she pulled out her own sword.
Tifa knew it wasn't actually Cloud speaking, however she felt angry, "I'm not weak!" she shouted, "And I wasn't seeking your attention!"
Cloud hurt Tifa pretty badly and Sora enterted the Usual Spot, I'm not that good at re-caps.
Tifa tried to get up, but the pain was too much.
ooc: I've got to go, got school.
Tifa held her stomach. She breathed heavily. She was in alot of pain.
"Cloud please..." Tifa said guiltily. She felt like it was all her fault. ooc: ANF, do you still want me to post the link to the sig?
Tears started to form in Tifa's eyes, "Cloud I'm sorry, I didn't realise..." she said sadly.
Tifa was shocked, "Cloud, what the hell are you doing?" she screamed. She was sick of Sora playing his little games with her. She just wanted things to go back to normal, before the heartless came, but she knew it would be impossible to go back to her old life.
"Cloud are you OK?" Tifa asked to check to see if his dark side hadn't showed up.