Tifa thought she could remember entering a strange world through a labrotary in a mansion close by, "Maybe, they've gone there" she said to herself, so she ran off to the mansion.
Tifa wondered how she could rescure Kairi.
"They've gone" Tifa said in annoyance.
Tifa stamped on Xemnas' foot while he was busy concentrating on the sword.
Tifa pointed her sword at Xemnas.
Tifa went to where Kairi was. "Kairi!" she screamed. She took out her sword.
Tifa walked away, "I wonder where Kairi is..." she said to herself.
"That's rich coming from somebody who has tried to kill me at our latest encounters." Tifa shouted back at him. ooc: Sorry, I'm just enjoying the argument and I've got to go.
"I can get away on my own, thanks" she said angrily, trying to pull her arm away.
"What are you doing?" Tifa asked angrily to Cloud.
Tifa nodded with agreement.
Tifa ran out, "What the hell is wrong with all of you?" she shouted, "You're all sick b*******!" ooc: I censored it, just in case there's somebody here that doesn't want swear words.
Tifa looked in horror, it was too late. She hid behind an obstacle and prepared herself for a battle.
The deed was being done, Tifa ran up to the tower just in case it wasn't too late.
ooc: I've got to go now. "Yes I think it does" Tifa said thoughtfully.
"I don't know how many there are and I think I'm a target and have been for a while, but I've survived so far, I think I can survive their next attempts."
ooc: So what time is it in your area then, cause I live in the UK and it's 15:54 here. "Hopefully, but everyone of those people up there tick me off" Tifa said looking up at the tower.
ooc: We won't be able to go up the tower now unfortunately. Since Dawn and Zodiac50 are offline. "When the timing is right, we'll probably..." Tifa hesitated, she hadn't actually thought of a plan. "Ummm... wait for them to weaken and errr... take them away and bind them" she said with a questioning tone in her voice. "Yep, that's going to work" she thought in her head sarcastically. "Well to tell you the honest truth I haven't thought of one" Tifa sighed to Yuffie.
Hitomi Shimatani - Shinku
Tifa smiled, "We're in this together after all and not sitting around crying about Cloud has made me feel so much better."