Yay, annoying Sora Squad time! Tifa pulled out her sword, "I think it would be the other way around" she said threateningly.
Axel walked in the room, he looked at the damage, "You may have survived that," he said. He summoned his chakrams, "But I'll make sure these will be your last few moments..."
Axel teleported into the area, Tifa and Kairi were still, alive, he decided to go in and fight them himself.
I just didn't know what relinquished meant. Tifa looked around, "The fire's stopped" she said looking confused.
Did Demyx do something to the fire?
Tifa looked around, she couldn't find a way out, plus there was no water to put out the fire. Axel knew he was out of luck, water could beat fire, he portaled away.
Axel was walking up to the usual spot, with a click of his fingers, the whole place set on fire, he teleported away.
I love that song, "Get Wild and Tough!" Tifa looked around "I think someone's coming" she said.
Tifa nodded.
"Yes" Tifa said happily.
But it's using brushes from deviant art. Tifa rested for a bit.
At 8 years old? That seriously is too young, I was grossed out when I learned at 12 years old.
Tifa eventually got back to the usual spot.
Tifa smiled as well, "Things have changed so much,"
Tifa pulled herself up with Kairi's help, "I'm glad you're safe" she said to her.
Tifa ran up the stairs of the castle, she was high up, unfortunately she slipped and ended up clingning the life on the edge of the steps.
Tifa ran into the castle.
Tifa ran around looking for Kairi.
Tifa walked around, was Kairi here?
Tifa entered the world, everything felt cold, she could see a huge castle in the distance.