I'm sorry, I've got to go.
Tifa believed in herself. She knew she could bring Cloud back, a burst of light came through her hands, shooting at the black wolf.
Tifa focused on trying to enter Cloud's mind.
She looked down at Cloud, would he want her to do this?
Tifa heard Saxor's voice in her head? What could she do? Could she free Clouds's mind, or was it just a trap to get her under Saxor's control?
Tifa ran up to Cloud, "What's wrong?" she asked worriedly.
Tifa giggled happily. ooc: Sorry, I've got to go.
"I'm sorry for anything I did before," Tifa apoplogized, "I was confused, I didn't know what to do."
Tifa ignored Saxor and Neo and ran straight to Cloud, "You've came back" she said happily.
Tifa walked into the usual spot, she was shocked to see Cloud and Sora's nobody there.
Tifa walked around Twilight Town.
Tifa walked away from the Usual Spot whistling innocently.
"But... should we do a runner just in case?" she asked nervously.
"But it's not our fault," Tifa said.
Tifa turned to Kairi with a wide grin on her face, "I wonder who did it?" she asked.
Axel looked up, he got soaked, "I've had enough of this" he grumbled, "I'll get all of you next time." He teleported away.
Tifa couldn't help it, she just burst out laughing again, "Thankyou whoever's doing this!" she shouted in a plesant tone.
*Hugs ANF* You're so much better than whoever teases you, I get teased a lot in school so I know how it feels like.
Axel lit his chakrams again. Tifa wondered whoever was annoying Axel, they were giving her a good time.
Tifa burst out laughing. Axel frowned.