Tifa was surprised, she was expecting to be attacked earlier, she put her sword away and grabbed Kairi's keyblade, she carried on to try and return it to her.
ooc: I've got to go now, school gets in the way of everything.
Tifa dropped Kairi's keyblade to the floor, but she pulled out the sword she got from the weapon shop. ooc: I've got to go in 10 minutes. I've got school.
Tifa felt a bit better than before after resting a bit.
Tifa walked on, but was struggling pretty badly, she held herself up against a wall to catch her breath.
Tifa was so worn out and her burn marks were stinging more than ever, but she carried on, she had to find Kairi. She had to return the keyblade, but she wouldn't be weaponless anymore, she managed to pick up a powerful looking sword from the weapon shops at Twilight Town. But how could she find Kairi?
Tifa woke up, she had been unconcious for a while. Her body stung from the burn marks.
Sorry I've been offline, my sister got permission to come on the computer, she's having her dinner at the moment, so I won't be on very long. So I have to finish the battle quickly. Tifa got angry, she released final heaven. A huge amount of energy filled the arena. Axel got injured badly. He created a portal and walked through. Tifa was worn out, she felt the world fade away and as she collapsed.
Tifa felt herself heating up, she had to finish this quickly, she held on firmly onto the keyblade and ran up to Axel. Axel was quicker though, he summoned his chakrams and hit Tifa with a huge flame. Tifa got knocked back, she was burnt badly. Looks like Tifa's having a bad day...
Tifa held the keyblade, she still hadn't had a chance to give it back to Kairi. She held it in front of her to prepare for whoever was coming. Axel appeared in front of Tifa, "It's a curious thing isn't it? How much people will do for what the one's they care about..." Tifa looked at him, what was he trying to do? "Come with me and I'll take you to Kairi" he held out his hand. Tifa backed away, he was of course trying to trick her, "No," she said firmly. "Have it your way then," Axel sealed the area off with a wall of fire. Tifa looked around there was no way out. "One question, how long can you walk on fire?" Axel turned the floor into magma. ooc: I'll be back in five minutes.
Tifa felt a presense near her. Axel saw his target. This is going to be a bit weird, I'm fighting myself, XD.
Tifa looked around, she couldn't believe she had lost Kairi yet again.
Axel's own thoughts melted away as the darkness took control, he was sora's pawn now.
Axel completely lost control of himself. Tifa noticed that Kairi had gone. "Kairi?" she asked, she had a tone of worry in her voice.
Axel felt like backing out, but darkness had clouded his mind and he felt himself lose control.
Axel thought about it, Roxas would surely be with Sora seeing that he was his nobody. He didn't want to kill Kairi, but Roxas meant more to him. "Yes" he replied. ooc: Can Sora put darkness in him, please?
"I couldn't say that I enjoyed it, but I can't enjoy anything, I've got no heart you know. Anyway you look a bit... different"
Axel portaled to the alleyway. He was hoping to see Roxas.
Tifa looked down. Was it gone? ooc: Is it OK if I get Axel to meet up with Sora some time later and get turned dark?
Tifa turned to Sora she ran up and slashed him with the keyblad Kairi had thrown over to her. She was unaware that Kairi had gone.