Tifa noticed the darkness in Cloud's eyes, she couldn't speak while his hand was over her mouth, so she spoke using her mind, hoping that it would get to him. "Cloud what happened to you?" she asked, sounding worried. ANF hasn't been on for a while.
Tif sat on the cliff edge. She felt useless not being able to do anything.
ooc: I will try to get on more, I promise.
Tifa looked around. What was Cloud doing right now?
Tifa looked up at the sky, would she ever see Cloud back to normal again? I've hardly been able to get on lately.
Tifa looked around, nothing had happened to her in a while.
Tifa sat down and watched the clouds, "If only there was something I could do..." she thought to herself.
Tifa sat down on the cliffside, she felt worried about Cloud. What did they want with him?
I'm really sorry that I haven't been on for a while. Tifa couldn't help feeling that something bad was happening somewhere.
She looked around and saw Kairi standing near her.
Tifa managed to get up.
Tifa was awake, but she felt to weak to speak or to get up, "Kairi" she said trying to force words out of her mouth.
Tifa tried to get up, but it was hard.
ooc: I'm sorry. Tifa found herself on the ground of Twilight Town, she felt very weak.
I'll try to do a recap, Saxor said something through Tifa's voice to make Cloud surrender to the darkness, and he pushed Tifa down a void.
"Cloud, that wasn't me speaking," Tifa said sorrowfully, but she realised that the voice wouldn't reach him, she was a prisoner in his mind.
Tifa tried to focus her energy on the darkness which was invading Cloud's mind.
Being inside Cloud's mind was weakening Tifa.
Tifa was still in Cloud's mind.
Tifa clutched her shoulder, it hurt, but she wasn't going to give up, she felt a detimination that she had never felt before.