"shut up cade he's not at full power yet tonight if we really try we can defeat him maybe not for good but still it would take him longer to return to full power again so whos coming?"emily said
ooc:some people have actually just found the RoR on their own actually as you should have read in the order of the pheonix dobby said it people can find it but not many remember where it is bic:"yeah whos actually brave enough to come to see voldemort i know how to hurt him at least maybe i'll even kill him but i can't do it alone"emily said
ooc:actually some people have actually just found it voldemort did when he went to hogwarts bic:well if your so sure voldemorts dead then come with me at 7 Oclock i'll prove it unless he's RIGHT BEHIND YOU LOOK!"emily said trying to sound worryed pointing behind him just to scare him
ooc:sorry i forgot you havent read about them my lips are sealed bic:"anyway cade it doesnt matter if you need more proof come with us to the room of requirement at 7 Oclock and you'll see voldemort in person you cn help us defeat him and just so you don't die catch"emily said tossing a vial of felix felicis to him "it gives you luck nothing can go wrong thats why its illegal in quiditch"
"let me ask you cade have you ever heard of the deathly hallows?"emily asked
"yeah they stopped scorpius but this time the darkest of all wizards we have to stop voldemort"emily said
"that would be right voldemort was gone except 5 years ago he came back. lily did your dad ever tell you about the deathly hallows?anyway some crazy death eater went around looking for ever stone in the forbidden forest until she found the one that brings people to life so she brought voldemort back what was her name bellatrix lestrange i think it was anyway she brought voldemort back thats the point"emily said
"no not good next time i refuse to attack lily or set a trap down with my mother then me so i don't know how i could get lucky enough to avoid anything happening to you or me guys wait luck i made up a couple of vials of felix felecis the luck potion"emily said getting out some vials of potion 7 in all "we each take two except for you conn i you take three you could use some luck with your brother but dont down the potion in one a couple of drops can last three hours"emily said "but then again it would be my family that are lucky they don't get hurt not me" "do you know where the room of requirement is?i'm supposed to be meeting voldemort at 7 oclock tonight i can get him to come to the room of requirement tell him i found something valuable to him i'll lead him to the room of requirement as soon as we enter the room i use stupefy then levicorpus then you two use any powerfull spells you know then i will use sectum sempra a spell in that spell book it only said it was for enemies"emily said
"i said i'm sorry about picking on scorpius that was a mistake but the book i found is full of dark magic that i could have used i chose against violence i chose against using proper violence it was a threat but its lord voldemort we're talking about and guess where he's hiding?in this school so be expecting dementors because death eaters are back talking about serving the dark lord soon everyone will know he's back and if your hurt people will try and fight voldemort resulting in an attack on the school lily but i don't know how i'll ever get my dad out of azkaban"emily said
emily walked around i have to tell somebody she thought knowing exactly why her dad was in azkaban she walked up to the hospital wing to see if conni was there she needed to apologize "hi conni hi lily" she said nervously "i'm sorry about earliar but the only reason i was bullying scorpius is well i knew my dad would get in azkaban anyway i wasnt planning on hurting scorpius but i wanted to try and keep my dad away from azkaan there is...some one i don't want to say who told me i had to eliminate you lily to get your dad to come to hogwarts if i didnt he said my dad would be in azkaban and something terrible would happen to mum on the second strike if you have to know who told me to this i will tell you"emily said
her owl came back bearing a letter emily grabbed the letter and tore it open "lets see here we cannot let your father free he was with a deatheater trying to send a message to voldemort yada yada yada junk mail we need a new minister for magic definetly keeping an innocent man in azkaban "emily said walking back to her common room ooc:i has to go now bye
ooc:no nevilles a defence against the dark arts teacher bic:"thanks for that ralene" emily said and started writing and ran up tothe owelry and sent her owl to the minister for magic himself "now all i have to do is hope the demenotors havent already given him a visit"she said to her sef and sat in the owlry waiting
"oh ok ralene i'll just LET MY DAD SUFFER IN AZKABAN SHALL I?"emily asked
emily threw he bag to the ground opened it to see if anything broke only the quills "right i'm writing to the ministry of magic about this"she said and stomped back to the dungeons "someone give me a quill please i have to write to the stupid little ministry of magic"she said
emily saw a copy of the daily prophet on the floor she picked it up and screamed "no way my dad is not a death eater this is todays prophet aswell"she read the rest of the article "what no way they can't just shove my father in azkaban accused of being a deatheater STUPID F***ING MINISTRY OF MAGIC"she screamed
"well potions was a total disaster i dont need this stupid potions book anymore"she throught the book back towards the dungeons "well maybe no one will talk to me anymore just talk about me hey i've gone back to speaking to myself ut then maybe i am insane anyway"emily said
"yes fine i'll back down waaaaaaaayyyy down"she said walking out the classroom and walking down the corridor and sat in a corner
"only if scorpius agrees to leave everyone alone"emily said "and i'm no bully at all or maybe its just something growing to me let me go so i can find some place nobody else goes so i can just go through my first year no bullys no friends it just doesnt work for me"emily said
"bully i was doing it because i heard he was bullying others i standing up for everyone"emily said the curse had worn off "now i know a spell that seriously harm people even if it is dark majic scorpius will leave everyone alone and stop torturing them or else"emily shouted walking to scorpius and making the wand tip touch his neck "leave everyone alone"
"hey no fair but still poor old scorpius needed someone else to do it for him because scorpius is a chicken"emily said