"well thanks again after what you said i thought you'd never sign the door"sam said smiling amy walked to the stairs "its safe now lauren sams bad mood is gone"amy called up lauren walked down her mouth was surrounded by blood "you were drinking the blood from the floor werent you?"amy said "er...not exactly a um an ant eater came in and there was an ant in the blood and the ant eater splashed in the water and covered my mouth in blood"lauren said "i'm not sam i won't fall for that one lauren"amy said quietly"nut seriously sam thinks she is the leader she thinks she can do anything and one day its going to get her in trouble"amy said
sam shook her hand amy quickly carved Yukimos name on the door "well now that thats done i'm gonna see if anyoe else bothers to sign the door sam looked at the names already there then spotted Yukimos "thanks Yukimo"sam said happily
"great" amy said "to prove it shake hands" amy said grabbing the paperclip behind sams back "fine"sam said holding out her hand
amy rolled her eyes "just forget this happened i'm pretty sure sam knows her mistake and is just pulling a sulky face because shes embarrassed"she said "what amy how did you know?"sam asked amy laughed "because you just told me i was just trying to get yukimo to forgive i didn't actually beleive what i was saying"she said letting go of sam and ruffled her hair sam blushed slightly double embarrassment "so are you two gonna make up?"amy asked "um ok i'm fine with it how about you yukimo?"sam asked
the organization has risen again and are rapidly stealing Emotions and after recently realizing larxene has a heart tryed to take her heart but it failed and only took away her emotions and they used that they kept larxene as a servent and are going around stealing emotions their latest victim was kairi so now sora is looking for the organization with knoledge that theyy moved their castle taken characters: larxene:naminestwinsister
"ok fine i grab her you tie her up then we all escape to be honest thats a better plan"sam said "any way if i have to do it myself"sam said pickking up the hammer and smashed it to the floor "amy ran over to sam and hugged her as tightly as she could to stop sam from smashing the floor "hey let me go"sam said wriggling aroundto try and escape "sorry sam i can't do that its for your own good someone might fall down the hole or as yukimo said we don't know what she could do to us she wasn't saying you can't use a hammer but what bif she had a gun what if she shot you first? just think about it sam"amy said not letting sam go "i have a certain responsibility for you because your my younger sister and don't you dare get angry because you know that dagger you stole from lauren i stole it from you actually" sam dropped the hammer and fell silent she knew amy was right and about yukimo had meant well sam felt a bit embarrassed but didn't show any signs of it she just pulled a sulky face
"but it will not to smash the door to attract her she opens the door i grab her you lock the door i let go of her then i get killed you escape perfect plan"sam said "for you"she added
"here use this"sam said tossing him a hammer "i'm to weak to smash the door down after all i'm ONLY 8"sam said casting another furious glance at yumiko
"so you weren't listening to the argument i wrote flowers in the attic on the door with this paper clip im TRYING" sam cast an angry glance at yumiko "toget everyoneto sign the door so if mum has another child after we are free the kid'll know he or she's not the only one who's been up here it'll give him or her hope"sam said
sam turned and looked at him "well sorry if trying to get out of here and help people in future bugs you all because kazumi is asleep so here take this paper clip put your name on the door"sam said turning her back on yumiko
"hey we'll get out of here if what evers out there is worth fighting for-"amy started "you'll get us there won't she amy?" sam interrupted "actually sam i was thinking you if you find something worth fighting for if someone trys to take it away your anger will get whoever trys to stop us away"amy said "good point mums trying to take away outdoors thats something worth fighting for so i just need to attract her attention"sam gug through her pocket and grabbed a hammer and started smashing on the ground as hard as she could making a newly made hole in the floor wider and deeper "stop it or she'll come up here"amy said nervously "are you trying to take the outdoors away from me?" sam asked her hammer raised in threat "no its just that we don't know what she can do to us she may have something more powerfull than an 8 year old holding a hammer"amy said "so you think i'm to young to hold a hammer do you?"sam said and throught the hammer to the floor it landed right next to amys foot "what how the f*** could i miss i blame you amy you b****!"sam shouted amy screamed and ran up the stairs "lauren lauren you were right sams dangerous especially with a hammer"amy said shivering "its all right amy i have somethin i don't want to use unless i have to i found it up here when i first got here a little dagger encrusted with a ruby its supposed to steal souls at least thats what the book said anyway i'm gonna sort samout"lauren said walking downstairs "sam i think you need to get out of your temper right now or else"lauren said "or else what your gonna steal my soul with that pathetic little dagger"sam said mocking her "wait how do you know about that?"lauren asked sam smirked "well it might have fell out of your pocket while you were sleeping"she said getting out the dagger "oh and you dropped your diary" ooc:nothing much sams in a bad mood and threatening people with a hammer and mocking lauren about a dagger that steals souls
sam gave up defeated she knew she wouldn't win this argument amy dashed down the stairs "actually it shows you care we're here and it stops sam from lying earliar but unless everyone signs the door it just makes sam a liar and she doesn't want to be a liar so please sign it if not for sam then for everyone else
sam was about toscream the first insult on her mind but then her last words sank in "WELL IF YOU CARE THEN CARVE YOUR NAME ON THE DOOR"Sam screamed hoping it was beleivable amy was watching from the top of the stairs and mouthed silently "she's faking it"
"ITS SAM!AND YES YOU DO ESPECIALLY IF YOU WANT TO GIVE MUM SOMETHING TO REMEMBER US BY AND WHAT SHE DID TO US!"Sam screamed "uh oh Sams angry i think we should go upstairs"lauren whispered grabbing amys arm and dragged her upstairs
LOL, what? XD They're both in FFVII? Sora is a dog and Kairi is like Tifa? Ummmm, no! They've only appeared in the KH series.[/QUOTE] but my friend has it on play station 1 so its the original so i suppose it might be different on playstation 2 but still what i'm saying is definetly true for the oringinal
"thanks Neom"Sam said "Yukimo could you come over for a second now please" sam called "you know samantha this was a great idea"lauren said "my name is Sam s-a-m Sam don't call me samantha"Sam said through gritted teeth "but other than that thanks"Sam laughed at the look on laurens face
sora and kairi are in ff VII my friend has tha game only difference is sora's kairis dog and kairi looks like that tifa girl who looks for cloud
"well..."sam blushed slightly "i don't want to be a liar and you know i said we'd never leave i want that to be true sort of so i'm getting everyone to carve their names on the door around the sentence i wrote the one that says flowers in the attic"sam said handing him the paperclip
sam carved her name into the door then passed the paper clip to amy amy carved her name into the door "lauren come here a moment!" she called giving lauren the paper clip "carve your name into the door" amy instructed lauren did as she was told "hey Yumiko Neon come over here a minute sams had a brilliant idea" lauren called