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  1. naminestwinsister
    "so whats the matter scorpius cant even stand up to a first year not much of a wizard are you?"emily said grinning
    Post by: naminestwinsister, Nov 6, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. naminestwinsister
    "actually sir i cast the levicorpus spell on him just like this" she pointed her wand at scorpius levicorpus she thought and once again scorpius was dangling in the air "and thats for being a bully and a loser"emily said
    Post by: naminestwinsister, Nov 6, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. naminestwinsister
    "ok scorpius i admit it but do you want to kill me just because you were up-sidedown poor ickle wickle scorpius"emily said laughing
    Post by: naminestwinsister, Nov 6, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. naminestwinsister
    "ah well oooo a non verbal spell i wanna try that on him it doesnt give an effect though i'll try that on him"emily said levicorpis! she thought and scorpius was dangling from his ankle emily laughed "that was fun!"she said louder than she was supposed to
    Post by: naminestwinsister, Nov 6, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. naminestwinsister
    the teacher wakd over to ralene "very nice work there now pack away"the teacher said

    emily turned to the back of the book "you want me to cast a good spell on scorpius i can either harm him or do something else"
    Post by: naminestwinsister, Nov 6, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. naminestwinsister
    emily started to pack up "so ralene why are you jinxing scorpius?"emily whispered so the teacher wouldnt hear
    Post by: naminestwinsister, Nov 6, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. naminestwinsister
    emily suddenly realized her potion was finished she dipped a vial in till it was full and kept doing it till the potion was empty and turned the page back

    the teacher came over "wheres your potion merchant?"the teacher asked

    "right here"she said holding up a vial with the felix felicis inside

    ok where are you learning all these potions from your doing it as fast as me"the teacher said

    "guess its just natural talent i guess"emily replied

    "ok well the lesson will end soon pack up while everybody else finishes their potions"the teacher said
    Post by: naminestwinsister, Nov 6, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. naminestwinsister
    emily saw ralene staring at scorpius and also looked at scorpius "who that?"emily whispered
    Post by: naminestwinsister, Nov 6, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. naminestwinsister
    emilys potion started to turn yellow
    Post by: naminestwinsister, Nov 6, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. naminestwinsister
    "i'm finished"emily said again to the teacher

    "really merchant?well lets see here"the teacher said examining the potion "well it seems perfect to me but we have so much time left of this lesson so just choose a potion from your book and make that"the teacher said walking to the front of the class

    emily looked through the book and stopped at a page with a potion called felix felicis brings luck to the user so emily turned thepage and started working on it but emily noticed another note in the book that said spells at the back of the book i'll try them out later emily thought and got to work on the potion
    Post by: naminestwinsister, Nov 6, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. naminestwinsister
    "maybe it wasnt his maybe it was someone trying to spread a rumour about your dad after all he's the ost powerfull wizard i've ever heard of killing voldermort alone surviving the killing curse and the point is that it probably makes people think your going to go for his glory so they are spreading rumours about you and your dad but who would do such a thing?"emily asked
    Post by: naminestwinsister, Nov 6, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. naminestwinsister
    i wander whos book this is emily thought turning to the front of the book and it said the book belongs to lily potter emily walked over to lily "hey lily i think someone left that book i found on the ground to get you in trouble look it says you owns the book and the potion we're working on says the books for cheaters"emily said to lily quietly
    Post by: naminestwinsister, Nov 6, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. naminestwinsister
    emily opened her book and got the ingredients and started to make the potion but then noticed a little note in the book it said "this book is for cheaters only do it by the rules or use this book turn next page for easier aking of this potions" emily turned over the page and used what was there and used those instructions and slowly her potion turned pink until it was light pink emily turned the page back "finished"she said
    Post by: naminestwinsister, Nov 6, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home