Nah, just my internet connection was sucking for awhile. So I was resorted to talking to my friends....over.....the cell phone.....
hey no guf from chuu.
I only read the first book, it contridicted a lot of things from the DMC3 game. But other than that it really gives you more of an insight into why Dante is the way he is.
For what could the damned really have to say to the damned.
What school? Cause I remember my expriences weren't so difficult once I got into the swing of things.
Sonic Blade and Strike Raid, saved me all whole bunch of times when I fought Seph.
xD, True true. Take what you can get right?~
Yeah, I'm usually pretty good at what I do. What would the problem be, if I may ask?
But powers of detection would tell me otherwise.
Yeah, she forgets him for most of the beginning of KH2 >.>
Orka is the worlds greatest revenge giving killer whale.
That is good to hear.
Hello burn, how is your night?
So I just joined this group now.
Cause he was expecting briefs instead of boxers.
A break from school?
I'm doing pretty good, you?
Sounds like a plan to me. PSN:Kira19
I have a PS3.
Kilik, I'm unstoppable with this long distance combat.