Wait is this a book. If so I'm going to have to track this down.
What is it about?
And the defense rest your honor.
Yeah, building allies is eccential to any empire surviving. No, is it any good?
One step closer to capitalisim. No, a dark passenger is what makes my pizza's cold......those "no pun intend" cold *******s.
Hey, kika. You might want that cough checked out, it sounds like when you cough you say "words". That or I'm totally letting the voices in my own head drive my thoughts again....damn dark passenger.
xD, wow sounds like the actual crusades except for the holy grail and all that "jazz".
Well stop leaving your door open with a note for me.
It seems like the evolution system is pretty indepth. I like that about games when they go the extra mile.
Yeah, I'm just glad neither of us get sea sick, or else we just be really screwed.
Kinda like that time I almost broke into my neighbors house cause I swore that one night I was sleeping in someones elses house. Likely for me my neighbors were on vacation.
I hear ya, I really do. So the game is pretty fun, huh?
So did they take one or both kidneys?
Sure if you like to question things about yourself in the mirror that you thought you knew the answers too >.>
Nothing much, hows it hanging with you? I hear you, just taking it one day at a time right.
And I thought what we had was special....... ;______;
Eh, can't complain. Well except for my lower back, been hurting a lot more than normal this week. What about you?
Yes, with lots of honey mustard and MILK!~
Well I like to feel special....but it suckes to argue over a cell. You can't slam it down like in the old days....sigh.
I only use my cell for texting...but I was subdued by Tootsie to talking over the phone xD.