So what have you been up to in my absent.
That is why I stock pile them for when I have a craving for them.
I see we had to make a new thread xD.
YO man long time no see I know. Ummmm I'm doing pretty good a lot of drama happenning amongst some of my friends but nothing I can't handle. How about you whats been cracking while I was away?
An old member.
Sorry but the wicked witch only works on Wednesdays.
Oh no slimmer has returned.
Booooo, the ghost of christmas past is here.
Well I'm back...I think or is that what my dark passenger tells me to say.
Yeah, the military teaches you a lot of ways to hurt people. Like the teach you 20 ways to break a persons neck. I prefer 13. Oh, time to go now. Talk tomorrow.
If you have sudden memory lose or black out unexpectedly (yeah like you acutally plan to black out in the day, dumbasses), then seek medical physican.
Concussions are rarely good.
Sometimes I give good advice.
Cause my words of wisdom fall on deaf years of youth and inexperience. After my own "heart" if you will.
From one socio path to another right?
Well if he is years old then I must be ancient.
True, xD. She might have to be my Lila. Well except without the Rita and the kids.
Best part of the songs is how he exposes the secrets of vampires in a way that makes the human think he is just a guy with a gimk. Just like Lestat to be a evil genius. But the best song is "Slept So Long". The lyrics pack a mean punch, and I love it.
Been there done that xD (best friend is bi and he wanted me to, but I wasn't comfrontable witht he idea). I'm a lone wolf and I prefer it that way.
xD, thanks. I just hope I don't fall for the lures of the opposite sex. Totally ruin my image.