But that is what makes is a powerful drama....that and that he is a complete ass...much like me when I go to work.
I can call Dr.House that man does wonders in 45 minutes.
Argeed it really did ruin it.
Well I have the one that came with KH FM+, but I still enjoyed the game.
Thought the book was decent nothing too spectacular. It seemed to try just a bit too hard to be like Anna Rice's "Vampire Chronicles". Don't get me wrong I enjoyed the books I'm just not a rabid fan like some people I know *shivers*
I hope you like lent.
Oh, you tricky son of a bee sting.
That and there willingness to learn something new, but I digress. Darn those monkeys that is all he ever wanted from me.......*sniff*
Yeah, but then again it wasn't really ever hard for me to learn a new language. Really I'm actually missed?
Eh, I never really did it for fun I just wanted to complete jimmies journal.
I learned Spanish and English at the same time, but techically I learned spanish first. And I came back for you, of course.
bruderschaft - forever
Lucky english was a second language for meh.
I can almost grant tha wish.
Oh, but of course it isn't a sexual statment.....
I wouldn't even need the closet.
Would you like that Venti?
Even more love for YA
I never seem to have enough for me sometimes for certain things.
That and I have HDtv connected to my PS3.