1.The monkey will never get the moon in the lake. 2.Puns got to love them.
Nah, I would remember due to the fact I hate to repeat myself. Yep, I have been here since this place first began many moons ago. Back when I even had a different username.
But not with me at the helm of disscusion.
Also most movie studios out source somewhere else. So the chances of that happening are slim due to that if they screw up with the post production they don't get paid. It is all about the money value now.
It is unfortunate that the movie industry falls back on CGI as a cruch for when they don't want to make the effort to make the movie better for the viewing masses. They just want it to be out quick get the opening weekend money fast before anyone realizes they have just been screwed big time...again.
Most likely due to the fact when you read a book you create the movie in your head the way the characters look like and how the setting would look like to you. So when a movie adaptation comes along it just doesn't make sense to you cause that isn't your vision of the book.
Perphaps or that I don't really follow the whole suspension of disbelief like I'm suppose to, but hey oh well.
I never really enjoy movie adaptations of any other medium...they just never get me..maybe my standards are too high.
Oh, now my dark passenger has nothing witty to say today....geez guy is totally useless. I have only seen the first Narnia movie....and not by choice.
*sigh* My scanner never loved me.
Eh, life is unfair get a helmet.
That is why they anger me.
That man angers me.......he cheats in poker.
Well it is not everyday you see dancing water.
Why provoke the inevibital.
Ex, girlfriend xD. No one told me that soap was lava soap....don't ask me why it was in my shower but had to make due with what I had.....*cries*
Thats better, thanks.
Hey, lets not bring my ex into this equation. 1.Already tried that almost went bald. 2.Been there done that, glad that part of my life is over.
Where I live I can go to this japanese class downtown and it actually is a legit place.
Ah, preaching to the choir sista!~