No prob. Well, my current sig I made in photoshop. And here's my dA account. The first two were made in...
I'd take a picture...but I don't know where I put my camera. All right.
I just took a wild guess. xD I like it a lot. Version 2 is better in my opinion. I'm starting to use Photoshop.
It's a blueish color. It's pretty. =o Hope your leg gets better. And failed what? o.o
Yeah, I've been knitting this scarf on and off the past three days. That's because I had to start over, though. I would be done by now if it...
I would hate that. Sure I prefer the heat over cold, but I would like cold once in a while. xD So, you're a fan of Bleach as well?
xDD That stinks. D: I like snow sometimes, it depends. We have too much, though.
Oh, the usual magic unicorn stampede. Nah, we had a snow storm. We got about a foot and a half.
I've been up since 9:30. xD That's cool. =D
It's been good. I've been knitting away. Yours?
Well, it was supposed to start today, but due to some weather it started last Friday.
He's my crazy boy. xDD
Oh, talk about the irony. I just called Mark to tell him I'm coming over sometime tonight to give him his gift and he said "Oh, and I'm ordering...
It's all right, I guess. Just doing absolutely nothing. Are you on break?
Well, at least you remember me. That's a plus. xD I'm doing all right; just glad I'm on break.
That stinks. We have too much up here. Sounds like you had fun. 8D I'm good, just tired.
How is the awesome Wolfie doing today? 8D
Agreed. He sounds...too old. Isn't he supposed to be the second youngest organization member? He doesn't sound like that... It's just not what I imagined his voice to be like. I mean, it's good, but it could be a lot better. Oh well, at least he has an English voice. Can't be too picky.
Oh no, it's fine. I was just wondering what was up.
xDDD Scarves take forever to knit. D: