I hate the 10 character rule. x.x
Awesome. 8D Here's what I got: The Dark Knight Prince Caspian Guitar Hero:World Tour (but we have to return it due to the fact it's for the Wii...
A lot of things. I got a VCR/DVD Recorder/Player. I've been dying for one, and I got it. Uh, the Dark Knight, Prince Caspian, Guitar Hero: World...
Yeah-huh. Awesome. 8D
Merry Christmas to you too! And OMG I BEAT REPLIKU! 8DDD
I KNOW!!! 8DDD yayyayyayyay
I know. 8D
It's the only world I have left besides Hundred Acre Wood. xD
I'm going to get that one next. I just need to level up. ...Atlantica here I come. xD
Goofy Smash is the best. xD As well as Sonic Blade.
I GOT HIM! 8DDD ... NO!!!! ;~; I'm happy, yet I'm sad. Weird...right? xD
It's happened 3 times in a row. B|
Go right ahead. xD
|fsdfjsdfjsdlkfjdsklf| I had that much left oh his health bar and somehow he killed me. I'm not joking. B|
I got a lot. xD You?
Yeah, I did.
That's good.
I'm good, you?