xDDD So, how was your day?
Since kindergarten. xD
A lot. xDD You?
My grandparents could care less. xD
Sorta. xD I mean, we both decided we don't want to be in a relationship, but we definitely like each other.
Yeah, they can. xD Ah, I see.
Oh, okay. I keep forgetting about those dang time zones. xD
I don't really have any. xD Well, I guess Jacob from Twilight. I don't need a favorite fictional character since I have the guy I want irl. xD
I noticed. xDD
I hate it when that happens. >_> Do you know what you're having for dinner?
That stinks. D:
Whatever you say, girl. xD
It took me a while to get used to it too. xD I'm on the ninth floor.
AWESOME! 8D Have you played it yet?
Neither have I. xD ...okay then.
What? 8Dfillerz
Yeah, the eldest son.
Heath Ledger. <3 He was awesome in the Patriot too.
I love the Dark Knight. <3 Awesome.