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  1. Nanaki
    I sat there, silent in the kitchen. I stared at the clock above the doors. I took a small sip of my drink. I placed my cup don on the table, and sighed. I was a bit slepy from the hot chocolate, but I still had more to drink of it. A little over half was left. I took another small sip.
    Post by: Nanaki, Dec 28, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Nanaki
    I took a long sip of my drink. '....I'm not really sure what to do. I don't even know how I feel anymore, really. I guess I'm mostly confused. I feel like I'm trapped in a box.....' I thought. I took another small sip of my hot chocolate, staring at the kitchen's doors.
    Post by: Nanaki, Dec 28, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. Nanaki
    I took a small sip of my hot chocolate. 'I think I'll go rest once I finish my drink. I may feel better after a small nap, hopefully.' I though. I looked down at my drink, seeing that there was still a lot of it left. '...It won't be anytime soon, though...' I added to my thoughts. I took another small sip of my hot chocolate.
    Post by: Nanaki, Dec 28, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. Nanaki
    ...This is why I lurk. I just tend to lurk, becomming neither popular nor low. Just lurking and watching over the site. I just watch, and I understand both points of veiw of The Staff, and the members. I then decide to watch, instead of act. Because I understand both veiws, and I cannot pick one to jump on. Sometimes, The Staff may seem unfair, but they are doing what they can for us. And sometimes the member seems to be doing something bad, but their veiw is entirely different. So just lurking and watching is what I choose to do, to avoid conflict. It makes life easy. :3
    Post by: Nanaki, Dec 28, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. Nanaki
    I kept sipping my drink. '....I'm not sure what to do, anymore. Maybe....maybe....' I sighed. I was stressing myself out. I like Nebx, too....but I wasn't sure of what to do....because of Xensoa's feelings....I didn't want to hurt her....but still....I felt like I was backed into a corner. I was lost....
    Post by: Nanaki, Dec 27, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Nanaki
    I got up off of the bench, and walked inside the castle. I walked down the halls, and found my way to the kitchen. I walked through the doors, and over to one of the cabinets. I opened it, and looked around inside, and I found hot chocolate mix. I grabbed a mug from a different cabinet, and placed it on the table. I poured the mix in it, and walked over to the stove. I grabbed a random kettle from one of the back burners, and placed it on one of the front burners. I lit the burner, and waited for the kettle to get hot. Once it was hot I shut the burner off, and poured the hot water into a mesuring cup, at the right amount. I put the kettle back on one of the back burners, and poured the hot water in the measuring cup into the mug on the table. I took a spoon, and mixed that. After a bit of mixing, I added a little bit of milk, then mixed that. I had finished, so I put away all the stuff I finished useing, I closed all the cabinets I had opened, and I sat down at the table, and slowly started sipping my hot chocolate. '....I'm worried....I have a bad feeling....' I thought, still sipping my drink I randomly made. I needed to calm my nerves....
    Post by: Nanaki, Dec 27, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. Nanaki
    I still sat on the bench, a bit stunned. I looked to my right, proping my head on my hand, blushing lightly. "I think he's weird..." I said to the flowers, randomly. 'I hope Xensoa is alright...' I thought.
    Post by: Nanaki, Dec 27, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Nanaki
    "....I know you want go..." I said quietly to Nebx. I stared at the flowers on the ground, infront of me. I felt miserable....but I knew that I couldn't be a selfish brat, either....
    Post by: Nanaki, Dec 27, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. Nanaki
    "....What about....Xensoa? She's probably upset...." I said quietly to Nebx. I refused to look at his face. I was too shy to, and a bit dazed, as well.
    Post by: Nanaki, Dec 27, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Nanaki
    My hands were slightly shaking. "Umm....." I had no idea what to say. I was nervous, and I hadn't really been in this type of situation, before. I just quietly sat there, my gaze shifting from Nebx to my hands as I blushed. I stayed quiet.
    Post by: Nanaki, Dec 27, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. Nanaki
    I was staring at Nebx. "...Should I leave?" I asked, slowly and quietly. 'Yeah....I'm thinkin' I should....I think I may be stuck in a bad sitch....' I thought sadly.
    Post by: Nanaki, Dec 27, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. Nanaki
    I jumped at the sound of Nebx's voice. I turned my head, and saw him standing behind us. 'Oh...this should be fun....' I thought.

    "Uhhh....hi?" I said slowly and quietly, unsure of what to say...
    Post by: Nanaki, Dec 27, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. Nanaki
    "....I've always loved nature. All nature. All things in nature. Nature makes me feel better, when I'm near it. Better than the city makes me feel. I had to live in the my past life...." I told Xensoa. "Nature is better and more peaceful than the city..."
    Post by: Nanaki, Dec 27, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. Nanaki
    "Yeah....I know what you mean. I don't know why we can feel, but we do. It makes no sense, but if we feel, we feel. We have to live with it. " I said.
    Post by: Nanaki, Dec 27, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. Nanaki
    I blinked. "Is something wrong?" I asked her. I knew that I was feeling a bit down, so I had hoped that I hadn't made her upset, either...
    Post by: Nanaki, Dec 27, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. Nanaki
    I looked at Xensoa. "...What about the original Organization?" I asked.
    Post by: Nanaki, Dec 27, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. Nanaki
    'Well....I guess, if I can feel....I have to accept that I like Nebx. I can't help it. But....she likes Nebx, too...' I thought sadly. I nervously started tapping my nails on the bench arm, one of my nervous habits that I had. I stared at the flowers to my right again, still tapping my nails on the bench arm.
    Post by: Nanaki, Dec 27, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. Nanaki
    I leaned back on the bench. '...She likes him, too? Well....this should be enforcement to the fact that I don't want to....feel....Ohh! Forget it!! I don't care if I'm a Neo Nobody, I know I can feel! And....I don't like it....' I thought, staring down at the flowers infront of me.
    Post by: Nanaki, Dec 27, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. Nanaki
    I became very quiet. "...I don't know...." I said quietly. I stared at the grass on the ground infront of me. I sighed a sad, deep sigh. "...I just don't know..." I added in an even quieter voice.
    Post by: Nanaki, Dec 27, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. Nanaki
    I perked my head up, then tunred to Xensoa. " about him? How?? And what did he say to you?" I asked her, stumbling over my words. I felt a bit nervous...

    OOC: Cluelessnes. Lawl. XD
    Post by: Nanaki, Dec 27, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home