"Wow..." I said, staring at the sea. I looked up at the Nebx. "How far does the sea stretch?" I asked him.
I walked with Nebx, still a bit confused as to where we were going, but I walked with him, anyways. "Soo...uhh..." I started, trying to make a conversation, but being a bit shy about it.
I walked beside Nebx, letting him have his arm around me. I looked up at his face. "Where are we going?" I asked him.
I sat up. "Sure. I thought you forgot, dealing with Xensoa and all." I said. I got up, grabbed my hoody, slid it on, and zipped it up. I then walked over to Nebx. "I'm ready." I said.
I heard a knock on the door. "Come in." I called. I continued lying on the bed, not caring to get up or anything.
I was still lying in my bed. 'Hmm....I just relised....that Nebx dissed me.' I thought, a bit annoyed. 'This was how I was usually treated in my past life, though. Even by my own crew sometimes, but they actually cared more about me than anybody else from my world. Other people didn't care. I lived alone before I lived with my friends. I lived on the street. I had to do many bad things to live. Like steal. The world was against me. I have to try it again here, though. But I must lay flowers at the graves of my old friends, too.' I thought.
I walked through the halls for a while, and got bored. I then walked to my room, and walked in. I shut the door lightly, then walked to my bed. I sat down, and took my hoody off, bec ase my room was a bit warm. I put it on one of the bed's posts, and laid down on the bed. I sighed and stared at the ceiling. 'Is there nothing to do around here?' I asked myself in my mind. I decided to just lay there, staring at the ceiling.
I finished drawing, and I scanned the design. It was of a dragon. it was in a large feild, breathing fire. I had a habit of drawing dragons and animals. I sighed and stood up. I didn't feel like drawing anymore, so I just left the picture there, and walked out of The Library. I sighed, and headed down the halls, trying to see if there was anything more to do other than draw.
I continued walking down the halls,rather bored. I then headed for The Library, not knowing where else to go. I walked into The Library, and walked over to the creativity table. I sat down, grabbing a random paper and pencil, and started drawing. I was mindlessly drawing, so I didn't really notice the actual picture or design as I drew.
I walked down the halls, heading for Nebx's Room. I needed to get my hoody back, which I left in his room. I walked up to his door, and opened it. I walked in, and saw my hoody on the chair, no Nebx. I slowly slipped my hoody on, and zipped it up. I then walked out of his room, closing the door behind me. I then walked down the hall, once again looking for something to do.
...But....why is it dated for the 19th? That's something that has me really confused....And the fact that some people are online is possibly weirder, yes....
Yeah...I mean, I'm afraid to close this window right now, really. I'm not planning on doing so anytime soon. Good Luck to you on figureing out what the problem is, Sir. I hope it's fixed soon...
^ Ohh....okay. Thank you, RVR. It scared me soooo much. Thank you, sir! ^^ I thought my stupid computer was going emo or brain dead or something. I feel better now. ^^;
Okay. Maybe it's just my computer, I don't know. Here's the sitch. I was on KH-Vids (aka here), right? I opened a new window, and my home page is KH-Vids of course, and when I opened it...it said this, which I am actually able to see still now: Notice: This domain name expired on 12/19/07 and is pending renewal or deletion It says the URL for KH-Vids below it, too. So...I go back to the window I'm on now, and I click a link...and KH-Vids is still up here. This really confused me. So, on the window with the working KH-Vids site, I go to google, and google the site, and go there. It's still up. I tried to log in...and I couldn't (It like...logged me out for some reason...). So I clicked back a few times, and I'm here again. I then try googling KH-Vids on the second window, and I got the same notice. Also, the notice is on some weird site...I don't know what the deal with that is at all...o.O; My question to you guys, is WTF is going on??? O.O;
I was walking down the halls, and then I stopped. I felt like something was missing. I then relised that my hoody was missing. 'That's right....I left it in Nebx's room....oops.' I thought. I then started to walk twords his room. 'I guess I should go get it....I hope he's not there....' I thought, a bit embarrased.
I walked down the halls. "What....what do I do now? I don't know my purpose....why am I here?" I asked nobody, slowly walking down the halls...
I wiped my eyes quickly. "I'm sorry, you guys. I'll find your graves. I'll lay flowers down for all of you. I promise." I promised my decesed friends. I got up, and slowly walked down the halls, hopeing the memory of the aftermath shall stay away from my mind...
I was still kneeling on the floor. "I remember....I remember you all.....ohhh.....where did I bury you guys??" I asked nobody, tears still slipping from my eyes and down my face.