"....What does that mean?" I asked him. I think I knew what it was, though....
"What is that?" I asked him.
I sighed. "....Think I'm happy about what I've done? Killing my friends, the only people who could care about me? Yes....the pain is hard....but....you have to keep going. Stopping, especially with another chance, won't help. It will always hurt....but we both still have to try. We all do." I told Exel.
"....I don't think you can loose your anger and rage....without happiness...." I said quietly.
"Hmm....well, maybe finding friends and joy may help..." I said.
"....How will you do that?" I asked him, hoping he was alright...
"...What will you do?" I asked him.
"You can find somebody that you can care for. I did, so I bet you can, too. Just talk to some of the nobodies, and I'm sure you come across somebody you'll like." I said. Or, if you want, you could be adopted....it's a bit weird, but true." I added, in case if he ment he wanted to have a family that way.
"....It's not impossible, you know. There are nobodies here, and they have had a bad life like you, and they can relate to you. You might find somebody...like I have...." I told Exel. "You just can't give up hope...just try instead of trying to fade away. You've been given this second chance, so make use of it." I told him.
"....What is your destiny?" I asked him.
I sighed. "Well....why not let all the anger and rage go? You could stay and be happy. You don't have to die. And...I've realised that I don't think I'm ment to be alone..." I said, blushing slightly at the thought of Nebx.
I stared at him. "...You....tried to kill yourself again? Twenty sixth?? Why?" I asked him sadly.
I looked up at Exel, and wiped my eye quickly. "Nothing." I said. "Hey...what's wrong with your arm?" I asked him, noticing that he was holding his arm.
I looked sadly at the picture, sniffling. "...I will..." I said. I then slowly, quietly walked out of my room, closing the door sloftly behind myself. I started to head down the hall. I planned to go to one of the balconys up above, to stare at the sky from. I wanted to.
Larxene kept running, untill she tripped. She fell on the ground, and the rats surrounded her. She looked up, and the rats started to close in on her. The ones that could reach her started to nibble on her coat, while the others just surrounded her. She started screaming at the top of her lungs. "GET OFF OF MEEEEE!!!!!!!!!" She yelled. She closed her eyes, and lighting shot down on a small group of the rats, and only killed a few of them. The rats didn't care, and they kept nibbling on her coat. She kept screaming at the top of her lungs, shaking at an alarming rate...
Larxene kept running, shaking very badly. She then stopped, and the rat stopped. She turned to face it, and she stood there, glaring at it, as it glared back. She formed her kunais between her fingers, and the rat beared it's fangs. She took a step foward, and the rat took a step forward after. She then threw her kunais, hoping that they would hit her target in the dark. The rat evaded all of the kunais, and lunged at Larxene. Larxene froze, as the rat bit into her arm. "AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!! GET OFF ME YOU CREEP!!!!!!" She yelled. She formed a single kunai in her free hand, and stebbed the rat in the back with it. It released her arm, and scampered away, squeaking. She then cracked and insane grin, and her shaking suddenly stopped. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Any more rats want to try me??!!!" She yelled, feeling that she had over come her fear. Suddenly, a LARGE army of huge sewer rats lined up infront of her. They all growled at her, and the rat that she had stabbed was there too, still with the kunai stuck in it's back. Her eyes grew to the size of quarters. She then ran down the hall, screaming bloody murder. OOC: ....Army rats FTW? XD;;;
I sighed, sniffling a little. "....I'm sorry you guys....I'll have to find your graves....and lay flowers down....I still don't remember where I buried you guys, though...." I said sadly. I kept trying to think of where it was...but the memory wouldn't come to me....
Larxene blinked. "I don't know who that was..." She said. She then looked to her right, and saw something move. It walked into her line of sight, and turned out to be a big, fat, sewer rat. It looked up at her with it's bright red eyes, and hissed. "AAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" She screamed, she then bolted down the hall, while the rat chased her, leaving Demyx all alone.
I finished my drawing. I looked over it, tears filling my eyes. It was a picture of Dave, Luc, Adam, Lisa, James, Sara, and myself. Dave was standing on the left, arms crossed. Beside him, was Luc, and he had his training staff in his right hand. Next to Luc, was Lisa, and she was looking down. Beside her, was Adam, and he had his head turned slightly to the right. Beside him, was James, and he had his hand on his long sword's handle. Beside him was myself, and I had a very sad look in my eyes. And beside myself, was Sara, and she was smiling as she always did. Even when she died... I sat back in my chair, and sighed. I let a couple of tears slip down my cheecks. I then stood up, formed a knife in my hand, and tacked the picture to the wall with that knife. I tacked one more knife to it, and stared at the picture. I sighed, looking down. I wished that I hadn't of done what I did....
Larxene stood there, silent for a minute. "...Demyx? Did you hear something??" She asked him. She could have sworn she heard a voice... OOC: I'm going to bed in a little bit. Good Night. ^^