I ISH gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood!!!!!!!(CHEESE!!!) I LIKE CHOCOLATE MILK!!!!
its SiC, dope. ONEE-CHAN!!!!!!!
...>> what ever.
...do i wanna know?
I ISH GOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!w00t!!!!
Hi Onee!!!
HORRID...what about u?
not much, u?
Hi Poeples!!!!!^^
...umm...-ignored too-
>> *sighs* -Tidus- *throws a katana at Tidus*
ONEE!!!! im good, u? -Tidus- I'll deal with you later
Hi Peeps!!!
HEY MEH PEEPS!!!!(XD) listening to "to the end" by My Chemical Romance"
oh yeah...*keyblade appears in head and dies* (remember yesterday?!)
*gets a keyblade out* i guess i'll help, but JUST this once... *goes guardian* LETS DO THIS!!!
XD lol just kidding
*snickers* youre hitting on her lol
HI ONEE-CHAN!!!!*glomps back!!!*
>>...do i want to know? HI PEOPLES!!!!!!!!!: ^ D