YAY!!!!we can start now!! who wants to start?
Cloud, all the way, cuz of his Omni-slash!!w00t!!
u two really are sisters XB #3...
awesome! we just need...about 3 more people...
that's right! im making a high school RPG, so make an origianal(sp?) character and let's get started!! name: description: classes: (only 6) age: (a high school age, it wouldn't make sense if you were 12) name: Christian description:black long hair, black my chemical romance shirt, a hat wit h"MCR" on it, baggy black pants with chains on it, a necklace with half of the Heart-a-gram sign on it, black guitar carrying case for strings(strings FINALLY have guitar in it!!!w00t!((practically emo))), and a black bandage over my nose bone that forms an X classes: 1-strings 2-math 3-reading 4-free period 5-science 6-history age: 15 name:Jules(Juliet) Description:Shoulder length hair, glasses. Wearing a black T-shirt with a red dragon on the front, jeans and black sneakers. Wears a moonstone necklace, dangle 'sun and moon' earrings and a silver 'moon and stars' ring. Age:14 name: Mary description: Long brown hair. Wearing a blue T-shirt with a star on the front, jeans and black sneakers. Wears a star necklace. classes: Maths English History Music Free Period Science age: 14 name: Clint description: Long black hair. He wears a black shirt, black pants, black leather vest, and black boots. He loves to draw. classes: Calculus Drama Free period Art Chemistry Gym age: 16 name: Nicole description: a blue dress like Namine classes:... Age:15 name: Zero description: Spikey Silver hair,Black long sleevedtop Black wornjeans with a chain and black shoes classes: Art Gym Social Studies Alegebra Music Free period age: 16 name: Carly description: Brown hair that goes all the way to the middle of her back.She has hazel eyes.She is wearing a green tank top with a picture of a humming bird drinking form a pink flower.She was also wearing black capris and black converse. Personality: She is nice and outgoing.She will be outspoken when needed. classes: Geometry Biology Language Arts Spanish Art Free Period Age: 15 Name: Eden Age: 13 classes: --- Looks: Brown hair, Brown-Black eyes, and slightly tan skin name:sam description:punk rocker short red checkerd shirt and blue ripped pants black boots and red short haire black tips with a little red side purse classes: art science gym history free period math age:16 join, and have fun! ^x^ RULES: --no godmodding --no jumping from place to place --please don't make your own story, just try to go along with another --story...(that means you, Tacole -.-) --yuri/yaoi IS allowed, but not hardcore... --It would be considerate if you didnt overdo it with the 'txt tlk' please
i like meelee much better (for GC) has Brawl come out yet?
O.O *watches over and over because of the explosion endused action* what game is this?! I MUST GET IT.and what rating? wow, you look good at that game
venom kiilll spidey, unless spidey had a big sound bell or somethin
im fever enduced >x>
*goes guardian* you'll be sorry...BOND OF FLAMES!!! look at NED's sig and avi, thats Itachi
are u sure?ill search if you want ^x^ why the heck(ll) are u cussing over nothing XD
ITS HIM!!!!!AGH!!! *runs away saying dont kill me in a crying way* OxO T.T
if thats Demyx... *kicks demyx* SHUT UP!>x> u should see me with tidus...*evil smile* sorry...i can never find a good render on planet render, u got any other render websites i could go to?
O.O I WANT AN ITACHI SIG!!!wait, i need to quote khchick's post...XD PLEASE khchick?!PLEASE?!
peppy much?
im sick. =x=
oh, i dont care, ill just be on meh way! >x> just say "Michael died" or somethin.>x> *walks off*