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  1. ...::/final_falling\::...
    man! i miss all the fun!! >x> *goes guardian and jumps in the way of Carl and kill Tidus with a keyblade going through his head* ...woops.
    Post by: ...::/final_falling\::..., May 21, 2007 in forum: Forum Families
  2. ...::/final_falling\::...
    "it's comin greatly, i can play "famous Last words" by My Chemical Romance, and a lot of other songs!"Christian said as he heard the gathering of people around him and others."..." Christian left without another word.
    Post by: ...::/final_falling\::..., May 21, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. ...::/final_falling\::...
    Lexich teleported to the training room, looked at Xiron...sorry e heh heh heh, about last night and all..." he muttered.
    Post by: ...::/final_falling\::..., May 20, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. ...::/final_falling\::...
    Christian finally smiled, "hi!whats up?!" she was his best freind, and she made him feel like he was somebody."strings was horrid, i have detention on my free-period, its gonna suck."he said.

    ooc: its up to u
    Post by: ...::/final_falling\::..., May 20, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. ...::/final_falling\::...
    "u controlled it, but now u have to work on accuracy, heh" Lexich craacked a smile.
    Post by: ...::/final_falling\::..., May 20, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. ...::/final_falling\::...
    Lexich was fast asleep, he was having a night-mare of that faithful day...his death, he suddenly woke up."wh-wha?!" he gasped.
    Post by: ...::/final_falling\::..., May 20, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. ...::/final_falling\::...
    Christian walked out of the class, then he took out the other half heart-a-gram necklace."when?...whatever" He said to himself,putting his guitar in his locker.
    Post by: ...::/final_falling\::..., May 20, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. ...::/final_falling\::...
    Lexich walked over to him, "you have to stare at it, and concentrate, you have your mind on too many things." Lexich said as he showed him how he could make water and ice out of thin air." see? don't let it control you, because you're the the master of this shock," Lexich finished as he threw the ice through his punching bag.
    Post by: ...::/final_falling\::..., May 20, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. ...::/final_falling\::...
    "let's get things straight!im a BOY! and no, it won't make me do anything, alls it'll do is destroy me!"Lexich said as his eyes were peircing through the black punching bag.
    Post by: ...::/final_falling\::..., May 20, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. ...::/final_falling\::...
    youre in! ^x^
    Post by: ...::/final_falling\::..., May 20, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. ...::/final_falling\::...
    Lexich heard xiron, and yelled "you won't get any stronger with alcohol!!" Lxich returned to punching the punching bag.
    Post by: ...::/final_falling\::..., May 20, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. ...::/final_falling\::...
    Lexich teleported to the training room, he got to a punching bag and punched through it, his knuckles bleeding, he said "heh, hurts don't it?" He cracked a smile at
    Post by: ...::/final_falling\::..., May 20, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. ...::/final_falling\::...
    ooc: oh, meh bad...can i still go to the castle?
    Post by: ...::/final_falling\::..., May 20, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. ...::/final_falling\::...
    Lexich walked out of his room, and he spotted the fallen Sarxalis being picked up by Raxen."hmph," Lexich walked past the group and went outside, then teleported to the destroyed castle that never was." could u?" he said to himself.he then went to the data room to train with 'Roxas'.
    Post by: ...::/final_falling\::..., May 20, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. ...::/final_falling\::...
    Christian walked into his class, he saw the teacher there."Late again?" his teacher said.", i was getting a drink of water."Christian said."No excuses! detention on your free-period!" the teacher said. Christian groaned.why is it always me?!he thought to himself =.He got in his seat, and got his electric guitar out.
    Post by: ...::/final_falling\::..., May 20, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. ...::/final_falling\::...
    thank you ^x^

    Lexich paced around his new black room, his heart-a-gram-half of it, swaying up and down,constantly hitting his chest."...his red eyes pierced through a squirrel's eyes outside of his room, killing it.Lexich had two katanas on his belt (can i change keyblade to two katanas?)
    where the hell is he?!i have to find him.if i don't he'll kill me...again!
    Post by: ...::/final_falling\::..., May 20, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. ...::/final_falling\::...

    name: Lexich (originally Michael)
    element: ice and water
    weapon: ...can we be weilders?(keyblade) and his red eyes, they can cast an illusion on a soul, no-souled or souled.
    Title: The Final Shadow
    personality: a quiet person, filled with revenge for his brother for "killing" him
    appearance: long black hair,(to where u can't see his eyes) a half-heart-a-gram necklace(he keeps the other half necklace in his pocket just in case he gets a girlfriend GO GETTER XD)an organization cloak, and dark,piercing red eyes
    likes: barely anything but his brother's blood
    dislikes: his brother alive
    bio: Michael was originally a very nice guy, he knew how to play guitar, he could use katanas, and he had a great life, and a great heart.
    One day though, his brother killed him, and it formed Lexich, and Michael's heartless.Now Lexich is on a hunt for his brother...
    Post by: ...::/final_falling\::..., May 20, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. ...::/final_falling\::...
    i know, Aerith G.

    whats up everyone? im sick >x> - cough-
    Post by: ...::/final_falling\::..., May 20, 2007 in forum: Forum Families
  19. ...::/final_falling\::...
    AWESOME!!! ^x^

    i guess ill start...

    Christian got a drink of water, his necklace dangling in the water.
    "..." Christian picked the half-heartagram out of the water and kept drinking, when he was done, he went to his locker, got his black guitar with a heartagram on the kay-guard, and walked to his class.
    Post by: ...::/final_falling\::..., May 20, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. ...::/final_falling\::...
    OMG!!!thats the song "u raise me up" by Selah!!!(Christian band)

    music vid:
    Post by: ...::/final_falling\::..., May 20, 2007 in forum: Forum Families