nuthins goin on.
well I one in meh class is on here--no, no one in my SCHOOL comes on here.
*points at SiC* LEAVE.
no, but i act like it, huh? -Alice- im in the 5th grade, what do u expect?! -.-
im thinking that muskrat is SiC...
your husband, hes gone, but he'll come back soon, he told me ^^
GIR!!!!w00t!!! I CALL GIR!!!
what are u talking about?!im NOT iP.
>> ask Sara if im iP or Sora Lexa, whos 11, and is in SC.DOES HE KNOW THAT?!no.and why was he just on?!-.-
h-h-h-h-HI!!!hi NeD!!dun bann meh PLAEZ *goes with ian*
=.=" im iChristian why do i think its fun?because im speaking from my heart, i dont care if its professional or not, but this was from meh heart!
HI iP!!!!!
what up? .
thanks mum, it did come from meh heart ^_^ thanks!i cant wait tillanniexo sees it!^^
THANK U!!!i think i did good too...for once
Fire ...::by iChristian::... the fire burning inside you waiting to explode in your heart its your courage in the deepest night it burns through the deepest darkness the horror dying, fading from the light of that fire that light, your courage fighting its way through your horror don't be afraid to keep on living don't be afraid to walk this world alone FIN how is it? rep appriciated!! XD