What does this have to do with the topic of sugary bread? I liek sugar.
I like eating sugar on white bread. It tastes kinda weird on wheat bread :/.
OOC: I've learned that it's better just to sit down and type than to keep putting it off or getting distracted every time because you can't think of anything. Just one spark can keep your post up, and even if it doesn't look all that to you doesn't mean it won't work for everyone else. Actually, I was in the middle of a writer's block when I wrote Beyond's post, and this worked for me. If I can't find any ideas on my own I look through other posts for a bit to remind myself of everything that's going on so I can find a situation or something to base my post on. That's just me, but I hope it helps.
We did a whole "Patriotic day" on 9/11. Everyone in red, white, and blue, and there was a dance after school. Seems kinda inappropriate, to celebrate a tragedy like that, but I heard it was one of the best dances my school's had. No extra moment of silence or anything... No one in my school really fools around during the Pledge, but no one really takes it seriously either. ... I know this is going to get bad replies, but I've never really understood the importance of the Pledge. Can someone explain?
>> << ... This sucks.
pssh, you're all delusional. spongebob doesn't exist. And what the hell was a twelve year old doing playing a typing game? Especially a spongebob one?
OOC: Hyper much? xD
Gah >< I screwed up so bad xD On the episodes, the quality will be much higher, it's just my computer is a piece of ****. Anyway, everyone else did great. Really, it's awesome ^^. Really sorry about my part though, I didn't know it was THAT bad. ><
CORRECTED Same here... EDIT: A_o_A, shush.
OOC: Waiting for Mello xD
I hate you all D< In all reality I'd probably want to meet... Madi Finalform chula_claire advent_of_apocalypse Cupcake Catch the Rain and... the majority of the people on my MSN contacts. Which is a lot. ... But no one cares 'cause I'm a n00b who's just happened to bee at this site for almost two years :D
hai guise. i join nao i can has cookie?
Lolno, I found it on photobucket a few months ago doing a 'motivational posters' search. The clown on the pogo stick >>;
old pic is old. I see like 10 potential waldos. And a clown that should be arrested on Indecent Exposure.
I know you're a popular member here, but that... That's disgusting, man. Uncool.
Where do you make all of these yugioh cards? xD
I'm sorry to hear that... I don't really know what to say... but if you need someone to talk to, I'm here.
No bumpage. This thread's been dead for a month.