One of the reasons people hate Kairi is because there is no character development at all with her. She's very Mary-Sueish, being the love interest of the game, and always being the one to get in trouble, but supposedly strong and smart as well. She even gets her own Keyblade at one part, which seems to me like a huge joke. She's really just too perfect in such vague ways, and it makes her a very uninteresting character. If they had bothered with developing her character a little more, so that she's actually more of a character than a simple love interest to keep the main characters moving forward, than she'd probably earn a few more fans.
D: I've been here for two years and you've never seen me? -dejected- 7/10. You seem new, but I see you around a lot =3. Edit: o.o Oct. of '07? Did you get a name change and I just don't recognize you?
--kills enter button- the way people talk about it is annoying. It's like all the characters are gods x.x. And Robert Pattinson isn't really that hot.
It's not that horribly bad, but the way people talk about it is
This is a visitor message.
9/10, I never really used to see you around but now I see your posts all the time x3
I think the card system is a little complicated for those who just want to play the game and not really get into it all that much, and the camera was definitely screwy in Re:CoM, but other than that I really liked it. I would have given it four stars.
I honestly think this looks like one of those weird kung fu movies that you only see in the theaters if you're really bored xD. It might be bad in comparison to the anime, but it doesn't look all that bad as a movie.
That's pretty neat, I loved the way you described it. The only issues I saw were a few rhythm issues in some places, but the more you practice, the less evident those will be. This is awesome for something you thought of off the top of your head, keep writing ^^.
I honestly have no idea what you are trying to say. Care to explain?
^ What I would have said had he not posted first. x.x This question is really getting old.
This is a post <3
Lolz, mine's not July 20th, it's June 20th xD
Thank you for making this group.
I don't sleep a lot, but it helps me sometimes to play a movie or Anime (anything that runs a good two hours or so) on my TV, with the volume low. I don't even really have to watch it. It might not work for everyone though xD. Umm, drinking a warm drink like hot chocolate helps a lot of my friends, and there's certain teas and drinks that you can buy that are meant for helping people relax. I haven't tried this, myself. Also, taking a walk around (I like to outside, but if it's too late you can around your house or something) and then listening to some music on lower volume (Most people use calming music, but really anything works for me aside from metal or screamo, those are almost like caffeine to me xD) and relaxing might help. I hope this helps ^^, my habits seem to be a lot different from others' x3.
I lose the game more than anyone here.
OOC: Hey guys, I don't want to bring L into this just yet... I'm saying this because if there's more than 10 victims, L would probably get involved in a case like this. And... I hate to be picky... But... A second notebook? Anyway... I'm going to get pretty violent in this... You know, a lot of blood and insanity. Stuff like that. IC: "Kira..." The man laughed, his messy, bloodstained hair drawn over his eyes. He was seemingly going to say something else, but he could only laugh more. "That.... Haha, that fool. That arrogant fool that everyone calls some excuse for God... for now. It won't last long...." The victim in front of him was soaked in blood, and had stopped breathing moments before. What was stopping him from finishing up? He couldn't think of the perfect finishing touch this needed to create the link between it and his other murders. Just one little detail was all he needed to change around... then it would be his. Or maybe he didn't need to change anything. His way of killing was already unique in many ways, at least in his eyes. It was still missing something. He took out a small, sharp knife, and carved a symbol into the pulse-less wrist of the dead victim. It looked almost like a backwards "K", but more like a lowercase "X" closely proceeding a lowercase "L". "There..." he muttered to himself, chuckling. He had already cleaned up anything that might lead the murder to him. He pulled on his gloves and sweatshirt and flipped his hood over his bloody hair, leaving the formerly empty warehouse. The only feature visible on his face was his satisfied smirk.
First of all, Happy New Year 8D And secondly, Dx sorry I never come on anymore. 8th grade is kinda ruling my life. Thirdly, I had a post...
You've lost the game.
Scrubs = win [/spam]