I think the manga's really cute ^^.
...I still don't get what the big deal about Naruto is.
The reason I don't like Trinity Limit as his signature move is that it requires all three of them; it doesn't seem right if it requires all three of them but is only Sora's signature move. ._.
Win. kjasflkjsffiller
I don't like yaoi, dammit D:. It's shounen-ai.
Looolz I say dodge roll, it's just epic for some reason.
Near should be considered a superhero D<
36 hours? That many? D:
9/10, I see you around a lot x3.
Death Note 8D
Pretty good, hbu?
I have to agree with most of your statements, however as we are two different people my views are a bit different. I agree that Israel could solve this in a more mature and less violent manner, but hell, they've got so many problems on their hands right now it's ridiculous. :/ Hamas, by what I've heard, launched rockets at Israel so that Israel would be forced to retaliate. I don't see exactly what else they were supposed to do. To answer the topic question,though, I mostly blame Hamas.
Something of Master form and Anti form combined, with really fast, but strong attacks, and the use of magic and reaction commands. And, seriously, Anti-form lasts for-fricken-ever.
Personally, I didn't really like any of them all that much. If I had to pick one of them, though, it'd be the Samurai.
Katakana, Kanji, and Hiragana, I think.
Actually, to really be able to speak and read Japanese, you should try learning all three types, as the language as a whole is a mixture of them. I can't tell you what programs to use and what programs not to use, but taking classes or getting a private tutor seems to be the best option for most people.
:/ I notice this stuff a lot too. Especially the copypasting. It's annoying because there are people who actually try to contribute while increasing their post count, and then there are spammers who have to annoy the hell out of everyone to increase their post count x.x.
I loved KH2 Riku. I know I'm going to get yelled at for saying this, but he was really stupid in KH1. He learned from his mistakes in KH:CoM. And he was hotter in KH2.
Ohh. Okay x3. Well, one can be happy for their friend and jealous at the same time, right? I mean, like, I'm happy that my friends have good grades, but it still kills me that my grades aren't better than theirs, for example.