It will be even more lulzy when she comes back and doesn't realize what 'lulzy' means. =/ EDIT: Lateness ._.
This is lulzy.
I've considered those possibilities, but I've never put enough thought into any of it to call it a belief or a form of religion. I agree that both sides are/can be closed-minded in ways, as well. Unfortunately, until there's substantial proof for one side or the other, the "battle" will continue.
You don't have to be bitter to your friend to be a bit jealous. Actually, I know I'm going to get flamed for this, but I feel that no matter how much someone were to say, "You should be happy for your friend," everyone feels a bit jealous when their friend does better than them. You don't have to act on it; most of the time you probably don't(or you could make a joke of it), because they're still you're friend, and you can be envious of your friend and happy for them at the same time. It's not like "Omg, you beat me, I hate you!"
I can't see how believing an omnipotent God makes you any more intelligent than me. I feel insulted, actually... I've been insulted by plenty of theists for my choice of religion(or lack thereof), and I agree with Ghetto's statement. There have actually been times when another kid's parents wouldn't let them hang out with me because of being Atheist. Thanks for the list, Cin. I never would have guessed so many influential people were actually Atheist.
That's coming out of your pay D<
History has no opinion. It is the present views that will be passed on to younger generations and whatever's put in our history books that will truly show us the answer to this question.
O: it dieded
Actually, I've heard from several sources (even one of my reading teachers!) that reading comic books and manga increases your reading level faster than regular books, and I have to say, I've learned far more from Death Note than Twilight or Harry Potter x.x.
Critical error x.x
Fail of epic proportions.
Yeah, I kinda noticed.
10/10 xDD lololololololololol
... Damn it, I knew I shouldn't have walked in here ><
Ohshi- D: nuu
-walks in- ... o_o -walks out-
10 O: I see you everywhere o.o
What's your Superhero name?
Well, that was to be expected.