Philippe arrived at the river, panting. "Okay I-" -pant- "am here." He looked up and smiled because he heard Ceri's voice, but shrank back when he saw Kyle. He looked at Ceri and then at Kyle. "Oh. He is the one you were talking about." He stood up and shook hands with Kyle.
oooo an rp....hmmmm that could work *Badger leaps at my face. Shoots it* I SAID TO DIE, BADGERS!!!
*Watching out for Saix's claymore while shooting badgers* :guns::guns: DIE BADGERS DIE :guns::guns:
Philippe looked down at her. "Um, I can't fly so I will try something else." He made steps out of air down to the ground. He jumped out of the window and landed on a step. Philippe walked down until he was on the ground. He changed the air back. "That wasn't too hard." He sees Natalie flying away. "Hey! Wait up!" He looked at her as she ran away. Where is she going? "Did I say something wrong?" He whispered to himself. He sat down and put his hood up. I will have to wait for her, I guess. A nasty thought came creeping up. She probably abandoned you like everyone else did. Don't trust her. He looked at where Ceri had been standing. What if she is no different....
*Stops shooting and ducks out of the way* KILL THEM ALL!
Philippe smiled. "Yes. That would be fun!" He didn't know what to do. Ceri was hugging him. Then he heard what she had said. "I don't know yet. I want to earn my name. To show that I deserve one." OOC: wow, I just realized that I made my characters complete opposites. They had both had rough pasts, but Philippe is happy, while my demon is depressed.
AHHHHHHHH- *Trips over gun* Mwahhahhahhaha! DIE BADGERS! :guns::guns::guns3::guns3:
"If she does, you have all of us to protect you." Philippe said. "Though, you are a pretty good fighter yourself." He hesitated. "You want to help me?" He smiled and took her hands. "Thank you."
*Still running in a circle, screaming*
Philippe opened the door and walked into the room, "Natalie, I just came to see if you are feeling better." The young demon shook his head. "I am sorry for your parents. I am sorry." He looked at her. "My parents were human. They were horrified that I ws born so they abandoned me to die. They never gave me a name. I-" He couldn't go on. "I just wish that I could feel wanted. Instead, all I get are painful memories." He laughed. "I guess I do need a friend."
*Looks at the kitties fighting the badgers* Where there is something you don't see everyday
Philippe saw Jecht go into Natalie's room. He knocked on the door. "Jecht? Natalie? Can I come in?" He looked down. "Your right, Ceri. No one...." He looked up. "You are lucky you have someone that loves you. Someone that would die for you. When everything goes wrong, you look at that person and feel that everything will turn out okay." He laughed. "No, I haven't felt that in a while. I have only felt it for a mother. She didn't care who's child I was, she didn't let me die, either. When she was murdered, I haven't felt since." He closed his eyes. Why was he telling a complete stranger this? Because she understands....
*ahem* AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!! *Runs around in a circle, screaming* WE ARE ALL GOING TO DIE!!
He was surprised. "I heard of that name before......." He looked at Ceri thoughtfully. Then he put his two daggers away, slipping one up his sleeve and tucking the other one in his belt. "There, but I will defend myself."
YAY! *Sees badgers* AHHHHH *Runs behind CrT*
He ducked and blocked with his blades. He threw one at her, then slipped another out of his sleeve. "You think it's my fault I have no love? Humans treat me like a piece of trash you just throw away. Why should I treat them differently?"
lol :rofl: I love this family! Cute kitties, evil kitties, cake, cookies, and PIZZA! YAY!
He laughed. "You think your psychic attacks work on me? I master the mind. The painful memories hidden in someone's head. I bring those out and use the pain to weaken my enemy. You can't destroy my mind." He paused. "Why would I care who lives in this castle?" I don't care if you love. Love is more deadly than I am. It can destroy a person more than I ever could. So watch out.
lol, ya, CrT, you are here... ....unless you are over there! EDIT: Pizza?