OOC: lol, ya...ah well. BIC: Zexion went down to Vexen's lab to tidy it up before Vexen finds out they messed it up.
OOC: No, one of my posts says he woke up. BIC: Philippe shot another arrow, then made a platform of air and jumped onto it, so he was level with Ultimus. "When you attack my friends, it is my business."
Philppe shot three arrows of light at Ultimus. I wish I could fly...
Philippe woke up. He sat up and stretched. He looked down at his cloak and saw it tattered. Phiippe groaned. I will have to get a new one, thanks to Nicole...Then he saw Natalie and Ultimus behind her. "Natalie, look out!" He took out his bow. Xandor smiled, "Okay, so what do you want me to do?"
Philippe is still asleep.... Xander laughed, but stopped when he realized what Kyle had said. "Demon slayers?"
I actually don't know, but if you look at the guest list, you will see that there are msn, yahoo, google, and other spiders that visit the site. I am freaked out by spiders.
Philippe was asleep against the tree. The events of the day had tired him and the river calmed him, so now he is sound asleep. Xander followed him into the training room. "What happened to the wall?"
lol It was probably a slurp spider or something :p
Hiya, Family! What's up?
OOC: hehe, hiya everyone! ooooh..Ultimus has a soft spot...? BIC: Philippe was wandering along the river. It is so...peaceful here. He sat down and leaned against a tree. He closed his eyes and listened to the sound of the running water. Xander followed Kyle. "Um, Can I help?"
OOC: Oh ya....Well I guess you would get Lexaeus then.
OOC: I think that would be a good idea. Could you do it?
Oh no! I have to go now! I will be back, though. :) Bye, Family! :) *Steals big cookie and runs away*
OOC: I have to go, but I will be back. Can someone drag Xander around while I'm gone? BIC: Philippe decided to stay by the river. He sat and watched the water run downstream. Xander looked at Kyle. "What is wrong?" He was tempted to check Kyle's memories, but he knew that would be intruding.
Yay, CtR, your back! *Holds out hand* Can I have a cookie?
"Cookies always make me feel better." He paused. "She used to always bake them for me."
Yay, cookies! oooh, just like yesterday! INSANITY AND COOKIES!!! :p
Philippe looked at Jecht. "You have a headquarters? Can I come?" He smirked. "Or do you want some private time with Natalie?" He looked at them. "Yes." Then he thought of something he hadn't had in a long time. Why did I think of those? "Um, do you have any cookies to eat?"
YAY! NO MORE BADGERS! calm down me, calm down... NO! NEVER! I WANT COOKIES! shut up already, me YOU SHUT UP! NO YOU! AHHHHHHHH! *Shakes head* okay, I am okay now.
Philippe walked over to Natalie and Jecht. "Oh, are you finished Natalie?" He looked at Ceri. "My name.....something to call myself." He smiled. "Xander." He tried his new name out.