OOC: Ceri named my demon Xandor, Human Nicole ran away, Ultimus tried to get her back, but let Kyle kill him instead, Kyle is evil now. Oh, and Jecht has an evil twin. Um....Xandor has snapped from all the stress, I think that about sums it up.
Philippe was blown backwards. He hit part of the wall and sank down next to Xandor. Xandor felt the energy force, but didn't open his eyes until he heard a thump beside him. It was Clumsy. "Hehe..Can't you stay on your feet?"
Why would someone de-rep Oathy?
OOC: bye... Philippe fell backwards, onto his bottom. (hehe, bottom....I'm so immature) "What? Kyle?" Then he saw Nicole. Something is going to happen...uh oh.. Xandor still had his eyes closed. this was just too much for him. His new friend was turning evil....Xandor started to hum to himself.
ummm...don't you need 1000 posts to become a premium member?
Philippe went on his knees beside Kyle and Natalie, to see if Kyle was okay. Xandor couldn't handle this anymore. He sat down and leaned against the wall, closing his eyes. Ceri....Ceri....I need you.....
Yay, I am not alone! *Dances* umm...change your name if you like, but let us know what it is!!
OOC: O_o Ultimus is dead!! BIC: Philippe sighed with relief. Finally, Ultimus is dead... Xandor looked at Kyle, "You think it is over now, don't you? Death only causes pain. The demon slayers that murdered my adopted mother, they thought there act was good, because they killed another demon. That death caused me great pain. What about that human, Nicole? By killing Ultimus, you have just caused her pain. You have hurt her."
Hellooo? *Echo* Where is everyone? Am I all alone? *Scared*
Philippe didn't stop him. After all, wouldn't this end the war? Xandor went in front of Kyle, "Wait, friend! His blood will stain your hands! Other demons will not like that. They will think that you are the bad one and try to kill you. The war between us will never end if we keep killling. Please! Put down your sword." Philippe was surprised. Who is he? Who is that demon?
Can I pleeeeese be Zexion??
Philippe sighed, "I wish him death to, but wouldn't that be letting him take the easy way out?" Xandor looked up and mumbled, "I wonder if Ceri is finished baking the cookies."
Philippe turned to Ultimus, angry, "You think you can get away that easy? You deserve a lot more than death." Xander sat there, humming a lullaby to himself.
Philippe frowned, "What is going on?" Xandor stood up, then went down again. "Oh ya, some of my energy...is gone." He giggled and took out two of his daggers.
Ling turned to the girls. "Hey, of course we have somewhere to stay. I am a prince, after all. I will just get Ed to buy us some rooms. Winry, Ed has a lot of money. Trust me, I know. He had to pay for many of my meals before so he has enough to get us enough rooms."
Philippe stopped and looked at Ultimus. "What do you want in life?" Xander looked at Kyle. He looked hurt badly. "Kyle...friend...you are hurt. Let me help you." He went down on his knees and leaned over him. He placed both hands on Kyle's chest and gave some of his energy up to heal Kyle.
Philippe and Xandor ran into the room. "This is utter chaos." Philippe took out his dagger and slashed at Ultimus, "I said, leave her alone!"
Xander looked at Philippe then looked at Nicole, who was going back inside, "No time now! We need to get Nicole away from Kyle! He transformed-" Philippe cut in "He transformed? That is not good! Come on!" They both ran after Nicole.
Philippe couldn't get up, "Will whoever is on me, GET OFF!" He paused "Uh, please?" Xander looked down, "Oh, um, okay." He got up and spotted Ultimus. "Wait, wasn't he back there?" He looked at Nicole, "Don't worry. Me and Clumsy here will protect you." Philippe got up, "I am not clumsy! You ran into-Who are you?"
Philippe stood beside Natalie, "She doesn't want to go with you! I- Ah!" Xandor backed away. He felt terrible he couldn't help his new friend. He ran , but turned to look back. This is when he crashed into Philippe, making the two fall down to the ground.