Confess to beeing Bisexual. Someone de-repped me D=
Okey dokey.
Gee, I feel so loved...
*puts crown back on* muahahahahahahahaah
Just like the seasons I'm gonna change for the better way says: hay Iliek beanz says: hallo thar Just like the seasons I'm gonna change for the better way says: wuu2 Iliek beanz says: foruming, you Just like the seasons I'm gonna change for the better way says: being boreed Iliek beanz says: Bored.* Just like the seasons I'm gonna change for the better way says: ye u no what i mean Iliek beanz says: yes, you know what I mean.* Iliek beanz says: Work on your GRAMMAR! Just like the seasons I'm gonna change for the better way says: shut up Iliek beanz says: Shut up. Just like the seasons I'm gonna change for the better way says: i need me nott to steel my specs Iliek beanz says: I need me not to steel my specs. Iliek beanz says: also that makes no sense. Just like the seasons I'm gonna change for the better way says: meg always tries to steel them and i told not to to these cos they r new Just like the seasons I'm gonna change for the better way says: dont correct me!!!!!!!!! Iliek beanz says: Meg always tries to steal them and I told her not to with these because they are new.* Iliek beanz says: too late. Just like the seasons I'm gonna change for the better way says: stop it its annoying Iliek beanz says: Stop it, it's annoying Iliek beanz says: If you want me to stop use correct grammar. I liek beanz = Me Just like the seasons I'm gonna change for the better way = my friend I was lol-ing irl
Space Balls: MMMMMM Pizza the Hut your delicious
poke you then say Who the **** are you?
I liek beanz
Well the worst day of the life was when half the school (or more) beat the crap out of me.