I blame you for AdventureQuest (owned)
I haz lots of quickenings... [all 3 peoples I use have 3 :3] So I suppose that could work... But I thought they never stopped coming to kill you...
I blame you for KH-Vids.net
... Dang....
I blame you for stealing meh cookies
Yayz it went back up! *tackleglomps TCO*
It says "so where is this mjrn?" But I need to go there for the reflect armour so the slimes dont kill me.
Yeah dont use your thumb... it hurt after a while *lost his picks*
I blame you for my arachnophobia which has rendered me unable to finish call of Juarez (Soo... many.... spiders...)
Thanks =] so... at nlbina I go to the exit where the guards are stood, right?
Heres a tip: Tune it before trying to maek musics.
I blame you for me not knowing how to read.
ZoTT I liek totally miss our countless arguments T-T
I need directions to phon coast... I can't find th e place... Directions from the henne mine preferably
And jjust to snnoy you I'mma spam this thread. So phear meh
I blame your for God's, I mean Lights death!
the black parade in my pants o_O
I blame you for the existence of mustard
^ must teach me to read D< < Needs to learn how to read V will teach me how to read.
*makes another crown* HA! I R T3H WIN!