awesome, soon you will have a pepsi slushie...
someone doubts our power... 31267
why god why?
crapple... rep gems... forgot... the dying and the fading of the light which oh so hurts ow ooh ow ooh owie, ouch oof... dead *dies*
and exactly how do you know for sure?
wow, a screamer... soo scary... ah! not the grudge girl... run away... soo scary... i almost wet my pants... /sarcasm screamers are just lame now, i can see them coming from a mile away and i don't flinch in the slightest anymore... i deliberately went straight into the wall...
ever look through your big stack of games and pop everything in just to try once? ever do that and find yourself playing one for hours, wanting to stop but you can't take yourself away from it? now what is that game that is just so addicting? >_> <_< i never thought Pokémon puzzle league could be so damn fun...
Hello with the waving and the greeting and sometimes the hugging with the arms and the warm feeling you get iiiinsiiiiiiiiiiiiide nyeh.
so your suggesting we make another theory section... no, it got waaaaay too spammy in there... so there's no chance of one being made again... ever wonder why we didn't already have a theory section when you came? plus, KH3 hasn't evn been announced... it'd be like discussing Final Fantasy 15...
randomness is not a skill, it's life. now if you may excuuuuse me i have to build a war machine with the nuts and the bolts which does the shooting and killing which hurts my soul so very much... frink out
*signage* DogBoyX meh, i was in it for peace from the start
you could always make them forcefully join CtRia :3 ah well anyways *hugs*
*makes it rain harmless store bought cookies*
they'll all join CtRia soon enough... seriously, our cookies are a binding contract, touch one and you're in for life. >:3
i know but... CtRia! D:
...screw it, i'm joining with a more peaceful nation... ...CtRia :3
*walks in door to thread* ...the hell is going on?
DBXico accepts as long as there are cookies
...that is not a miserable life... being used, insulted by your father, having your girlfriend die in front of your eyes, having your father run away, moving just after that, being teased for not only being new but having only my mom, and being a lonely almost-friendless b***ard for 2 years is a miserable life... ... sorry, really REALLY needed to unload...
they look like flying rabbits now... i mean what the hell happened?! i saw FF12 moogles and called them Veira babies for a month.... bring back the proper moogles!