err... could you repeat that? 31286
probably they have an automated system that makes your slogan using what you typed, and saves it over the old one, every 30 seconds
gah... another scary lady... run for your lives... ah... again, fails to even make me flinch
*cookie to you* ...i never quite figured out how they get it to change...
i'm surprised no-one took this info and tried to figure out my age O.o
have fun in your god-modded webwar...
"DogBoyX since 1845" ...that's 142 years before i was born O.o
"My DogBoyX and me" god it sounds like some derranged children's cartoon from the depths of nickelodeon
god, this thing also shamelessly rips off other slogans "Have a break, have a DogBoyX" replace DogBoyX with Kit Kat
it won't be for a loooooong time anyways... i'll most likely die before her so i'm not invited...
'tis sloganizer, it's meant to change. it gets pretty damn creepy though... "I'd sleep with DogBoyX" do any of you know you're invited?
oh for ****'s sake... look at this thread, and look at the million, not nearly as many posts and it'll take this thread a million years to get there. stop saying everything is going to beat the million. YAY IT'S DYING!
Baka = Stupid in japanese Boka = ...what? anyways, %50...
why wont this thread die...
many have tried, all have failed. but no-one ever thought any of them were worthy challengers... meh, "mega" thread is another small fry we will vanquish 31280
bye 31278 *deleted mega thread posts*
i posted twice, but that was just about who bumped it and how fail it is
31273 *feels ignored*
quoted to point out existance anyways, now to make it official, in the immortal words of bender... I'm back babeh... 31270