...seriously, come on. many members here do it constanly will you block them too?
not fair .
it's one of their hit franchises but it's stopped appealing to me... i have no idea why... anyways, although i voted Smash, pretty much all of them are great SMB brought the classics back with NSMB (still won't match up with SMB3) LoZ did great with Wind Waker and Twilight Princess, and the 8-bit introduced saving Metroid has always been the game Nintendo has pumped max graphics into... i mean Super Metroid looks like a GBA game and unlike some graphic-focused games... it's damn good. Pokémon has always brought short, addicting games, even the spin-offs are good. i can't believe how fun Puzzle league is... Kirby has lost it's luster since the NES and SNES have passed... and you've heard me on smash bros
Smash Bros. ...anyone who hasn't played it, i feel sorry for you seriously, if you own a N64 or Gamecube and you gon't have it GET IT NAO
no... i just don't think it'd be all that good, i mean come on, KH was great but beating the crap out of random dark beings is what made it that... plus, since it's an E to E10 franchise, the fights wouldn't match up to AC's so... yeah... however, if they made an Anime in style of the Manga(good comic relief) that'd be worth watching... i don't know, the Manga seems enough for me, but a CG movie wouldn't really capture that... KH-eyness... on a COM Manga note; anyone find Vexen's face utterly hilarious?
In English? or at least Japanese? Fun yum D-Fig?
Proves YT staff is unfair... tell me, how does banning an account that's been inactive since July help YT?
liek omguh i wuz abowt 2 doo da smae thig 31923
linkage /filler
mi lyfe suxz i wuz rejekted by teh gurl i lieked nd nao mi lyfe iz maeninglessss i mihgt az welll goe commet siucide bai 31919 (in case you didn't catch that, i was joking... -.-)
Coders... new group but not really considered staff to many... they have very little power in the Code Vault
Ignited in your pants... oww...
hold on, i'll get a screenshot. it's going to take a while, considering i have to WATCH the episode... EDIT: Here it is... Gentlemen... BEHOLD!
1) If people knew about MewTwo, they would seek to capture him and disrupt the peaceful life he seeks 2) Ho-oh, it's a Legendary from the 2nd Gen but meh... ...yes, i have knowledge of Pokémon... DO NOT QUESTION ME!
DAMMIT! i was going to do that... *sits in corner*
no-one could possibly fail at cooking more than me... *stares at last night's "dinner"* *shudders* hi everyone 31656
see ya kikame 31637
...wow, absolutely no-one on MSN
sorry for bringing up useless crap about my life...