The Zippy was starting to feel a little ignored. She didn't really care for dancing,so instead she went straight to the bar and ordered an ice-cold Dr. Pepper,with a hint of Vanilla. Mmmm...
Zippy suddenly jumps to her feet. "THAT WAS FUN!" she exclaimed.Such a hyper little one,that Zippy.Musta been the Tic Tacs,as usual...
Little did Sora probably know,he was being stalked in this realm of chaos. Behind the corner of an alley,a creature hid in the Shadows.It stared at Sora with large,wide,golden eyes.It crawled up the wall,it's claws sinking into the bricks of the building. When it came into view,it was a strange creature.It looked like a Heartless;no,maybe Sora was messing around in Anti-Form.No,it couldn't be;this looked like a girl.A teenage girl,like around fifteen. Yes,it was a girl.The Darkness of one girl's Heart,anyway.That girl was Sada.Sada,unfortunately,wasn't around anymore to look for the Keybearer.Now it was up to this,thing.... It's black,mid-length hair swayed like the Darkness leaking from it.It suddenly turned its head sharply,and looked down upon the boy.It growled softly. It's- no...HER name.... Kagami. It was a Japanese name that meant 'mirror'.An evil enchantress,Thadora,had created Kagami from Sada,sometime ago.After a little while,Kagami began to question the reason of her existance.It wasn't to search for Darkness,and it wasn't to help it.It wasn't to search for the Light,and illiminate it.No....She had no real purpose.But for now,her purpose was to find the Keyblade Wielder.Hopefully,he would know;hopefully,he would be able to help Sada. Kagami,didn't be another toy;she didn't want,to be just some pawn...
Hey,people.Zippy....again. I made this board as a place to put my poems. :p To start off here is a little poem I wrote sometime ago.Tis like Shel Silverstein. If I Could Walk a Thousand Miles If I could walk a Thousand Miles, I'd walk all over the place. Through rain and sleet and hail and snow, Just to see your smiling face. If I could walk across the land, From the mountains to the sea, I would look for you,and find you Waiting for me. If I could make a rainbow, I would put every color in the sky. And somewhere between Red and Violet, I'd put 'You' and 'I'. If I could change the world, Id do it bit by bit. I'd do one person at a time, And soon everyone would be hit With the love that we share, Our Hearts with Joy,not Hate. It isn't that hard to change the world; Love is all that it takes. Every journey begins with a single step, And every part there's a smile. This is the journey I would take If I could walk a Thousand Miles.
Hey! Please,everyone...just call me Zippy. :p
Why,thanks guys! I feel special already! :D
Im going with ya,Samurai. :3
Why not? :3 YUS!!!! -huggle-
''Question: I have no idea how "No Heart" and "Another" could be involved with the secret video. Any Ideas?'' I might have one.I recently read another board that said that Xehanort was that Dark Chaser in the KH2 secret ending.And that a great Keyblade War occurred. My theory is this: The Chasers fought Xehanort.Xehanort lost.Due to his loss,the other three came to an agreement: they would rid him of his Heart so he can not wield a Keyblade and cause havoc any longer. Xehanort fell unconsious,and lost his Memories due to this fact.Then Ansem the Wise found him,and you know the story from there. :3
OOC: Hullo,tis your beloved Zippy here. :3 Recently,I have been dying to RolePlay,but never could as much as I wanted to with my RPing buds cause of the stupid time zones. >> -stabs clock- Anywho,I have come to you on bended knee and am pleaded you for a RolePlay. :3 Rules: 1.) No GMing or PPing (if you know what that means,Kudos to you.) 2.)One of the basic rules: NUUU SPAMMING 3.)Made-Ups are allowed,but limited 4.)5 Made-ups (not including mine) in this RP 5.)3 Charries limit per person 6.)PLEASE.NO.KEYBLADE.WIELDING.MADE UPS! 7.)Like other basic rule: Keep romance (if any) down to a minimum. PLOTEH: Sora returns back to the Islands with Riku,where they find Kairi and the rest of the gang.Just like in the KH 2 ending,le gasp.Well,after sometime,the Heartless somehow find their way back to the Islands.This time,however,they are stronger,and more cunning.As well as more species.They become too much to handle,and so the three are seperated yet again. Just like the cloaked man Sora had met before entering Castle Oblivian about a year ago said,to 'Lose is to Find...and to Find is to Lose'. Sora stumbles upon an old friend (moi),whom had unfortunate times when she was younger and so had to leave.This was before Kairi showed up,so the girl had no knowledge of her.That would be the 'Lose is to Find'.As for the 'Find is to Lose...' part.Well.... Sora will have to make a choice; a sacrifice on who is more dear to him. As for everything else in the RolePlay,go crazy. :p Let's get to it!
(I am here! Fave customer. :3) "WEEEEEEEE!!!" teh Zippeh runs into the bar...'s door,and falls to the ground.Now semi-consious. "........." Er,make that now UNconsious.... >>
lolz.Why,thank you my dear. I have an account on YouTube,and I make KH AMVs with the video clips from this site. -huggles khvidsdotnet- Check out my most recent. :3 (if links are allowed.If not,then please lemme know. :3)
You said 'Made-Up',right?In that case,I would like to be my made-up,Kagami. She is like a mix between the Shadow Sora in kH 1,and Anti-Sora in KH 2,and a Heartless. She is basically a shadow,created from an evil witch (another my charries),from my favorite made-up,Sada. She moves like Anti-Sora and Heartless,and is also made of Darkness.But she is able to think,and plan for herself. What say you: May I join? :3
OMGz,nuu!! Not the cowz! :O
Boo,I am teh Zippeh. ph3ar m333333h... >3 -cough- Sorry about that,folks.It's almost 6:30 AM,and little sleep tends to make me hyper. >> Anyway,Howdy-Do!I am a girl,but please call me Zippy (or Zippeh)! I fell in love with Kingdom Hearts (more specifically Sora :) ) when it first came out four years (4 goin on 5,shyeah!) ago. I have been a fan of it since then, and I cannot WAIT until KH 3/KH 2: FM/ Re:COM! I started spazzing after hearing the news for those last two on my list. :O About Meh: I am a 13 year-old girl (yus,GIRL!) who lives in Arizona.Not givin city,my dears. :p I am,obviously,a major KH fan and a MAJOOOOR Sora fangirl. (I have him branded. Back off! >3) I have friends,whom I luff very m00ch. I like to draw,create songs,and play music. I play the piano. :3 I like to make people laugh.Obviously. So,if my actions seem a little or 'O.o' to you....blame the Tic Tacs. >> So,that is about me.....FOR NOW. :ninja: