I bang dead chicks. [/sarcasm] Straight here,although one time while I was sleeping in a hotel,I had a weird dream that I got banged by a chick. x_______0 I was like 'WTF?'
Whoa.... x__0 That is....wierd.
Sure.Just as long as /you/ made em. :3
But,my dad will fix it soon! (I hope.... >>)
Oh! And another thing (sorry,Vincent): I can't exactly look at them right now.My computer lacks in sound. >>
Hullo.This is Zippy speaking.I am having my first contest. ........Yay. As a pro/well-known AMV creator meself,I know what one must go through when making one.I also understand that some of you are not as desicive as others. Like meh.Not very desicive. >> Anyway,here are the requirements: -KH. Yus,KH.Why?Cause this is a KH Video Site. XDD -No Repeating Clips.Please.>> -Song: Any of your choice.Go crazy. :3 -Min. Length: 1 minutes -Max Length: 7 Minutes Questions: Does is have to be Kingdom Hearts? Yes,because I say so. :p Can it be a Country song? I highly do not recommend it,but whatever... Any limits to editing? Of course not! Go insane or be simple.It just has to be good. :3 Deadline? Oh,duh! -hits self on head- The Deadline is Jan 5th,2007. That is about 2 weeks,folks. TWO WEEKS. Any Other Information? Yes.NO STEALING OTHER PEOPLE'S VIDEOS.Cause,I will know. >3 So Far In the Lead! Darkandriod ZetoCloud Those two are tied for first place so far! ;3
HAPPY B-DAY!!!!!!!! -huggles khvidsdotnet- :3
'Nother poem I did.Literally,just made it up. x.o Love is Blind Broken wings,Rusty chains, A broken Heart,and lasting pain. I'm a poor girl, so alone, No one to love me,and no way home. I thought I knew you, You knew I did,too. I trusted you, And look what you do. Tears that I no longer hide, My Heart is being torn up inside. Now it's going through my mind. I know,now,that Love is Blind. I loved you,I even showed you. You knew this,and this,you do: Abuse,pain,you I no longer trust. You had betrayed me with your lust. What am I to you,a toy? What am I in your little ploy, You confused lust with love, And now I watch you from above. Your chains still upon my wrists, I'll never be able to escape from this. I'm a little glad to be leaving you behind, But I will still miss you.Indeed,truely, Love is blind.
Yus,Yus.I knows. I have been using this site for game clips for about year now. o.o;; SOOOO..... Anyone wanna see a couple of my vids? :3
CRAP!!!! I wanted to enter!! I so woulda won. >>
(Listen to it sometime. ;3) "You know.it goes like this: I, fell so Alive! For the very first time, I can't deny you. I feel so Alive..." Zippy sang...horribly. XP
"Alright,um...." Zippy thought. "How 'bout: 'Alive',by POD?" (-also luffs that song- >3)
See my AMV. :3 http://youtube.com/watch?v=8WXOsCXquOs
"I SORREEEEEeeeeee!!!!!!!" she yelled as she continued to bounce.She finally stopped. "oh! Do 'Yeah'! By USHAH!" she exclaimed. (Luff that song.XD)
"Thank....you...." Zippy growled.Twitching some.She shakily stood up,then suddenly began to bounce around.' "WHEE!!!!!!!" she said,literally 20 feet off the ground.Uh,oh.Guess who had Tic Tacs before she came.... >>
"EHHHHHHH!!!" Zippy 'over-reacted',cough cough.Covering her ears and sinking to the ground. "Turn off...that d*mn thing..." she muttered,the look of Doom in her eyes.She was smiling evilly,like a psychopath,as though she was gonna murder the stereo. (-does not really like the Cheetah Girls- >>)
"OH! 'My Hips Don't Lie' !" Zippy exclaimed. (OOC: Axel: .......... Meh: x3 Axel: ....... Im gonna burninate yo arse now.)
I pretty much already have the story in mind.It is basically this: Sora gets seperated from Kairi and Riku,but he meets an old friend from before Kairi showed up.Naturally,he wouldn't remember her at first. (She is mai charrie.:3) And at some point,they find Kairi and Riku.Then,Sora has to make a choice: Who is more important to him? Kairi?Or Sada? (my person.) If you want info on Sada,lemme know. ;3
"Shh.Caffeine doesn't do me any harm." Zippy replied to Anime. 'Mints do...' she thought to herself.
1368 Meh. >>