Search Results

  1. JustANobody
    OOC: Okies,just makin sure. :3

    Her eyes were closed,never feeling happier.Her eyes opened a little and her smile faded some,hearing his question.

    "Of course I do." she replied,looking up at him.

    "I could never forget them.They're special times we had when we were little kids.There's no way something special could be forgotten so easily." she grinned.
    Post by: JustANobody, Dec 19, 2006 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. JustANobody
    OOC: XDD Smooth,Sora.Keep in mind the rules,now. >>

    She smiled a little bit bigger,before she noticed him looking at her,um,body.She giggled a little after he looked away.

    "Silly." she said,embracing him.Her cheek to his chest yet again.

    "You haven't changed one bit.Personality-wise,I mean." she grinned.
    Post by: JustANobody, Dec 19, 2006 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. JustANobody
    OOC: I dun have Photoshop... >>

    She felt him parting the kiss.She opened her eyes part-way as well.She couldn't help but smile.His lips felt good,as they should be. Come on,he is SORA.Teh Hottest Smex king in the Video Game world.XD
    Post by: JustANobody, Dec 19, 2006 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. JustANobody
    OOC: I knows.I need to draw a picture of her so you know what she looks like.But right now,I am drawing Kagami.On Paint.Not easy. >>

    Sada was a little surprised by his sudden kiss.Heck,she was very surprised by it.But she wasn't about to complain.Her eyes closed as well,only not as tight.His lips very soft to her,like silk.She dreamed about this;she just never imagined it would come true.Now all that was left to be done was fight with him against Darkness.But that would come later.She was too much in bliss right now. XD
    Post by: JustANobody, Dec 19, 2006 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. JustANobody
    She had a curious look as his moved closer to her lips.She blinked,surprised about what he said;surprised that,he felt the same way.A smile appeared on her face.She moved closer to his face,until her forehead was against his.

    "I love you,too..." she said softly.

    OOC: D'aww.... -spazzes some more-
    Post by: JustANobody, Dec 19, 2006 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. JustANobody
    Her eyes opened,and looked up at him.Not moving from her spot in his arms.She didn't want to;not now.

    "What?" she asked.Staring into his eyes.
    Post by: JustANobody, Dec 19, 2006 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. JustANobody
    OOC: D'aww... -spazz-


    Her eyes shut tightly,feeling his hand on her head.

    "I missed you,too..." she replied softly.His Heart Beat echoed in her ear.She loved the music made from his Heart;she loved everything about him.
    Post by: JustANobody, Dec 19, 2006 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. JustANobody
    A weak smile appeared on her face.Tears of happiness flowed down her cheeks.

    "It's really you....You do remember." she said.She couldn't contain her happiness.Her grip around him grew tighter as well,her cheek pressed to his chest.

    'I'm home...And I found you....' she thought.

    'Sora...I love you...'

    OOC: If you are wanting full story,ask meh. ;3
    Post by: JustANobody, Dec 19, 2006 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. JustANobody
    Kagami was surrounded with Light,and in her place was her former self.Sada...Her eyes were closed,as if she had been asleep for some time.When she slowly opened her eyes,she first saw that she was with him in his- their,town.She looked at Sora.She could instantly tell it was him right away,just by his spikey hair.

    "Sora!" she said,and stumbled towards him on wobbily knees.She fell forward into his arms,and put her own around him.

    "Sora,it's me...Sada..." she said softly,hoping he would remember.It had been seven years...
    Post by: JustANobody, Dec 19, 2006 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. JustANobody
    Unfortunately for Sora,this girl was nothing like Kairi.This girl,wasn't even a girl.It was merely the Shadow of One;One that knew and loved Sora very dearly.

    She stared at his eyes,her own wide yet again.Hesitently,her claw-like hand reached out and grabbed his.
    Post by: JustANobody, Dec 19, 2006 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. JustANobody
    Kagami looked over her shoulder as Sora turned into Anti-Sora.She screeched to a hault when Anti-S appeared in front of her.Kagami was tossed into the air,but A.S. (lolz)'s punches and kicks never touched her.They just...went through her. She fell back down to the world,and slunk into the Shadows where she waited.She blended in perfectly,and remained still and silent.Her back pressed against the wall,her thin and graceful legs and arms in a position as though she was sneaking out.Nevertheless,she remained still.
    Post by: JustANobody, Dec 19, 2006 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. JustANobody
    God Moding= Taking over another one's character without permission. >>

    Also known as: POWER PLAYING.

    Anyways,let's get back on Topic.
    Post by: JustANobody, Dec 19, 2006 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. JustANobody
    Sorry,dude.Im not gonna reply to that post.I absolutely despise God Moding,so I usually ignore em. XP
    Post by: JustANobody, Dec 19, 2006 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. JustANobody
    (lolz,Mr. Bob. Im gonna assume that the girl you guys are talking about is Kagami.If not,then please ignore this post.)

    Kagami watched Sora as he looked at her.She glared her golden eyes at him as his went into Final Form,Fenrir in one hand and Ultima in the other. She hissed ferociously at the boy,before sprinting from wall to wall;building to building.Like a bunny,sorta.Her movements,they were much like Anti-Sora's.That was basically all she was: a Shadow.
    Post by: JustANobody, Dec 19, 2006 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. JustANobody
    Sada- a fifteen year old girl whom used to live on the Islands with Sora and Riku.(Normally,I let her have an older sister,Kana.)At the age of six,Sada's and Kana's father went to work one rainy day.He never came back.He died because of a freak cart accident in the Market.

    Then came their mom's death two years later.The cause is still unknown to Sada,though Kana knows.So,now both of them being orphans,they have to move away from Sora and Riku,whom they luff. (Sada-Sora,Kana-Riku) The only thing Sada has of them is a necklace that she got for her sixth birthday.It is simple,a black piece of string with a white shell.But she holds it dear.

    Now,since I am not like a lot of 'n00bs' who Roleplay,Sada does NOT have a Keyblade. XDD Anyway,she does have a weapon similar to it,though. She attained it one day when searching for her town's Empress,whom had vanished as Dark Clouds appeared in the sky.She searched for the Empress in the palace,and found an orb of Light in a chest in the Empress's room.It went into Sada's Heart,and now she can use that Light from the orb as a weapon: Ray Blade.

    Sada has caught wind that Sora,the one she knew,is the Keyblade Master.So,as a gift for she was determined to find him,she crafted a chain with most of her own Heart.When clipped to the Keyblade,it forms Undying Light (or Eternal Light.Whichever is better)

    Now,Sada,like Sora,has a Dark form of her: Kagami. Kagami is like Shadow/Anti- Sora,and a Neoshadow mixed together.However,she can think and plan.Making her one of the most lethal of enemies;or the most powerful of allies.Which side shall she take?
    Post by: JustANobody, Dec 19, 2006 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. JustANobody
    Oh,I've heard about something like that before. (On an episode of CSI: XD).It's where one twin dies and kinda goes back into the egg,and the other twin lives?But in this case the living twin is gonna give birth to the,uh....other twin?And they're MALE?? O.x
    Post by: JustANobody, Dec 19, 2006 in forum: Discussion
  17. JustANobody
    M'kays.Im gonna have to look at these soon. -nods- :3
    Post by: JustANobody, Dec 19, 2006 in forum: The Playground
  18. JustANobody
    M'kays.Well,if anyone was wondering what I looked like....Here:

    Meh. >>
    Post by: JustANobody, Dec 19, 2006 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  19. JustANobody

    BUAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! -laughs at brother's line- That is great!

    Well,I am 13.Yes,THIRTEEN. >> I know what I am talking about,though.I know a lot for my age.... XP

    Personally,I think that sex before marriage is something that one should think about before doing it.Yes,a lot of people have done it,but many of those people didn't really have much of a choice.Rape,by strangers or by relatives,is the reason.My friend told me she has a friend who knows her neighbor got raped by her uncle...and she is eight years old,and now pregnant.And she is scared because she is afraid that girl will die in childbirth because her body isn't,as she said,'advanced' enough for it.

    So,yes.What I am basically trying to say is: Don't do it unless you completely know and understand your risks.

    Some people do it to make a quick buck. (-cough hook3rs cough-) Some do it for the 'fun'. XP But whatever the reason you might do it,do it with the right reason: luff!!

    I,personally,am saving myself for marriage.I'm not doing it just because I'm Christian.(wh00t!) Not only do I also believe it is right,but my parents would kill me if they ever found out if I was sleeping with a dude.XDD And even if I do decide to do it after marriage,he's wearin' protection. XD -does not want a child-
    Post by: JustANobody, Dec 19, 2006 in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. JustANobody
    Again,I cannot look at them until my sound is fixizzled. >>

    But,you can still enter them.I won't actually JUDGE them and such until that Friday comes,then I will announce the winner. :3
    Post by: JustANobody, Dec 19, 2006 in forum: The Playground