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  1. JustANobody
    OOOOOOOOOOH,you said the 's' woooooord.... :O

    She looked down.And attempted to wriggle her way out from under him.
    Post by: JustANobody, Dec 20, 2006 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. JustANobody
    They might not wanna on the beach though.Sand veeeeeeeeeeeeeery uncomfortable. >>

    She knew what she was getting herself into.But as long as Sora was happy,she didn't care.That was all that mattered to her.
    Post by: JustANobody, Dec 20, 2006 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. JustANobody
    OOC: -nosebleed- :O ?!?!?!?!?! XDD -spazz-

    She titled her head as he smiled.Then her eyes widened as he asked her that,um...interesting question.She had to think about it for a moment or so.

    After that moment or so,she looked back at him,and.....nodded. Oo
    Post by: JustANobody, Dec 20, 2006 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. JustANobody
    She continued to stare at him.Until he asked her that question,that is.

    "...Sure." she replied.Not taking her gaze off of him.
    Post by: JustANobody, Dec 20, 2006 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. JustANobody
    OOC: Oh...Bad,Sora.

    As if reacting,she sat up some.Her face now only an inch or two away from his.Wondering what was on Sora's mind?
    Post by: JustANobody, Dec 20, 2006 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. JustANobody
    ".........." her eyes wandered around.Not sure of what to do or say.She looked back to Sora,hoping he had something in mind. I'll bet he does... XDD
    Post by: JustANobody, Dec 20, 2006 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. JustANobody
    She looked back into his eyes,and smiled as he made his little statement.

    "Whoa..." she murmured,being pulled down as Sora fell onto her.She looked up at him as he looked down at her.She laughed a little.It's funny how some things happen,isn't it?XD
    Post by: JustANobody, Dec 20, 2006 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. JustANobody
    A small smile appeared on her face,being held so tightly.Her eyes opened a little,as if making sure it wasn't just a dream.It wasn't.

    OOC: But,unfortunately,all dreams must end at one point or another....but we'll do that when everyone else joins in. We,like,took over the board. XD
    Post by: JustANobody, Dec 20, 2006 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. JustANobody
    A weak smile appeared on her face.Her eyes closed,feeling his warmth.She felt safe and secure while in his arms.Her temple gently nuzzled his chest.
    Post by: JustANobody, Dec 20, 2006 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. JustANobody
    As Kagami was picked up and placed against his chest,she glowed for a split second before changing back into Sada. Now the side of her face was pressed to his chest.One hand was gently clutching to his shirt.As if not wanting him to go again.
    Post by: JustANobody, Dec 20, 2006 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. JustANobody
    It felt...a little weird,being kissed while in that state.But she didn't mind.His 'always have a Heart' statement,made her a /bit/ unsure.She looked away a little.

    "That's not true...I was created without a Heart." she said. True, Kagami was born from Sada's Shadow;she had no Heart.But,she was still in touch with Sada.That let her know what it was like.
    Post by: JustANobody, Dec 20, 2006 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. JustANobody
    Kagami looked at Sora.Seeing he,too,has gone Anti-.She sighed after his comment,before sinking down to the ground and sitting.

    "It's not me,though..." she replied.Her voice sounded like two voices as well: both female;one Sada's,the other another girl's.Who?I dunno.
    Post by: JustANobody, Dec 20, 2006 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. JustANobody
    Her eyes remained closed,and she smiled to herself as he kissed her.That vanished soon,however.Her smiling stopped and her eyes opened as they changed into their Anti-Forms.Well,for Sora it's Anti-Form.For Sada,it's Kagami;a whole different story.
    Post by: JustANobody, Dec 20, 2006 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. JustANobody
    OOC: Her hair actually isn't that long,but whatever.I see what you are saying. XDD

    She smiled,and pressed her head back to his chest.She closed her eyes in warm content.She was truely in bliss now,and she was sure that Sora was too.

    OOC: That is Kagami. :3
    Post by: JustANobody, Dec 20, 2006 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. JustANobody
    She continued to smile.Still noting how close their faces were together.After a moment or two,she tilted her head up a little.Enough to connect teh lippehs together again.She slowly parted after a little.Her fingers also running through his hair.Occassionally twirling a spike around her finger.
    Post by: JustANobody, Dec 20, 2006 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. JustANobody
    She almost broke out in laughter as he said 'sexy'.I know I did.

    "You really think that?" she asked smiling a bit.One of her fingers began to mess around with his spikeh hair.
    Post by: JustANobody, Dec 20, 2006 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. JustANobody
    Her smile grew as his nose touched hers.

    "I'm glad you're around,too.I really missed you sweet,innocent voice.And your cute,innocent face.Not to mention all the fun we had." she replied.Noting the lack of space between their lips.
    Post by: JustANobody, Dec 20, 2006 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. JustANobody
    Her smile grew a tiny bit,feeling his hands on her hips.

    "I'm really happy to be back with you,too.I missed your cute face." she said.Just now noticing that his forehead was to hers.
    Post by: JustANobody, Dec 20, 2006 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. JustANobody
    She grinned a toothy grin,feeling really happy.

    "You don't need to blush when you're with me,Sora." she said,her grin fading into a small smile.Her arms moved from his back to his neck.
    Post by: JustANobody, Dec 20, 2006 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. JustANobody
    She laughed a little.She never really did get to know Kairi.She and her older sister Kana had to move away about a year after Kairi arrived. (Normally,Sada and Kana move away before Kairi even shows up.But here I will make an exception)

    "Yeah,and you kept fighting Riku at swords just to show off.I thought it was so cute of you.Even if you never did win." she smiled bigger,leaning up to lightly the tip of her nose to his,
    Post by: JustANobody, Dec 20, 2006 in forum: Retirement Home