OC: Xiegin Name: Kyo Age: 30 Power: Fire Wepon: Murimasa Apperance: Bio: A;ways faught and has no past Others: Main goal is to be the best
this seems lik fun gess il join ill be Naruto and umm kenshin
O_O?? need more ppl heh
ooc hmm seems lik no1's here either..
"Alright!" sojiro yells shes alive... phew tht was close *Sojiro falls out*
*Sojiro thinks hard to himself* "but if i do this ill be involved in this... hmm well im better off savin some1 then killin them" he siad to knighshade "alright lay her down gently *Sojiro puts his hands together and they start to glow* "alright stand back" *he places hes hands on her and waits to see if he eyes will open* "i really hope this works" sojiro said
"well yea i was taught a really good healing techneque but was told not to use it..." Sojiro said as he is thinkin to rly use it no matter wat..
*Sojiro looks back* "what in the world happen to her...? ok ill help" *sojiro runs to help knightshade*
"hmmm so this is the light?? castle" Sojiro said.. " i wonder wats goin on hm..."
*Sojiro loks around as he heirs fighting* "man wats goin on here it seems that there is a war goin on between those 2 kingdoms... but wat do i do. im not part of any of those groups yet 1 of them is evil and im not evil so wat do i do" he says to himself as he finds his way out of the forest and into the kingdom of Seria ooc... hmmm well ima find ma way n somehow XD
ooc hmhmh okok ill see wat i can do since im still n da forest.. XD
ooc hmm im kinda lost..
OOC hmm im back and it seems yall r fightin... hmm *Sojiro looks up into the sky once more and see that it has changed* " O no this isnt good but wer do i go from here.. and do i even want to help.."
*sojiro looked up to the sky* "hmm somethin bad is bout to happen.." ooc sry i gtg cya ltr
Sojiro walkin threw a forest after he was done with his training
Ahahah lolz yupyup
iight this the other 1... ima join :D oc:Xiegin Name: Sojro Age: 25 Gender:Male Race: half breed Power: Fire, Time Kingdom:none Other:Does not want to get involved in anything but has to Looks:
Hmmm ill join :D Played by Xiegin NAME:Sojiro AGE:20 POWER:Fire SIDE:Twilight APPERANCE: PERSONATILY:Nice, Cool, Calm, Patient OTHER:Has a past of being on the Dark side
"what" naruto looks over and sees Itachi and his partner "what u guys are here.... why if ur lookin for a fight uve got one" naruto's Fox spirit is kickin in
"hmmmm" Naruto said " i gues ima go cheak it out" starts to run for the spot wer there is smoke