well im bored 2 but now im bout to play a game so im not bored XD dunno wat u can do
hmm wow well it does sound weird hmmmmm
Hmmmm??? wat r u tlkin bout??
Ye i agree to the hand shake
Tht is pretty kol shows how much u care for hitna XD
wow tht seems kinda cruel...
hmm wow thts nic :D
Wow sword u surly do find some weird stuff XD
WAT!!!?? eat me?? lOLZ thts craz hmm i rem u tellin me tht before :D
If ur tlkin to me yup i read it XD
Nooo i liv to do the robot
ooc ok can i get a recap XD
Kyo jumps back "hmm ur pretty good Loz" Kyo said
Kyo mathces Loz's speed and keep blocking his atks "hmmm well guess it ma turn" kyo starts to throw fireballs at loz
Kyo sees his attacks and blocks them "is that the best u got?" kyo said
"AHHH so i see heh looks lik a fight finaly i was soo bored" Kyos eyes grew crimson "Haaa im ready to fight" he takes out his Murimasa
"hmmm..." kyo thought "wat am i goin to do now..."
*kyo sees loz n kadaj tlkin* "hmmmm... i wonder wat they r doin and talkin about i wonder..." he said to himself as he walks closeer and closer "Mayber i should just go in there and have some fun" he starts to smile
*kyo walkin through midgar and sees some guy.* " Hmmmmm well this guy seems intersting maybe i should follow him.." *kyo starts to follow him*
OOC ye kinda XD