Ye cause im kinda confused now XD
hmm well ok w.e heh
Heh well lets just listion to kiryu to see wat he ment
hmm ye well seems lik theres a mishap with words goin on XD
Very tiring had alot of things to do XD
Hows every1's day?
Hey wsup all :D
OOC: can i get a brief description on wats goin on Sword??
Hey all wsup
Hey all hows it going?
ok ok story's good wen we start
OOC: well can i get a brief on wats goin on
hmmm can i be bumblebee :D
ooc: ok wats goin on?? im lost
hey all wsup?
wowow wat a cruel joke XD
hey all wsup
Ok well cya ltr Kika
O??? well mines was so busy heh i can barly rem wat i did on tht day XD