Hmm well can i be a somewat both but mostly good lik i hav to sides of me n the evil side is part of the Oblivion but the good side overthrows the bad side is that ok???
NAME: Sojiro AGE:19 POWER: Contriling Fire and Time APPERNCE:Looks lik Avi BIO: Doesnt remember anything bout his past,Walks alone WORLD: World of the Unknowns PLAYED BY:Xiegin GENDER:Male Ok i think i got it XD Evil Sojiro on the Oblivion Side
ooc ok im kinda confused a bit XD
ooc ok i didnt quite understand tht but yea i alrdy posted it n i can finda da family... u made new rp?? how is it?
ooc hmmmmm well i just need to think of how to start off n btw i said a name i was thinkin of in the fam go check it out
ooc i dunno wats goin on XD heh
ooc i dunno how to ack lik al XD i do watch full metal but i dunno how to act lik al??...
ooc ok i need a fill up cause i havnt posted here since yall strted so can 1 of u tell me wats goin on?
OOc ok im back XD ma bad bein away heh Sojiro lookin for hes date *looks on paper* hmm tifa right?? *hold up card Al looks at card "Comon where is she...."
ooc ok im here
ooc alright im back Sojiro took out the cardbored and it said tifa Al took out his carbored.. "hmmm sam"
ooc: o ok i just needed to kno how to strt off but i mite be gone for lik an hour or so cause i gotta do somestuff cya then
ooc: ok so sojiro holds tifas card n al holds sams card??
ooc ok ok so i meet u??
I said ill be al to
Alright *pulls out swords* time to finaly play *charges into 2 monster*
Yea im ready i learned how to put my skills on a shortcut so itll be easier to use them alright lets go *goes to area*
Hmm O hi *he smiled* i was just readin the manual for this game so i can learn more bout it well lets go
Sojiro said hmmmmmmmm.... i wonder were she is... huh o wells i should read more on this manual to see how to use my skills and abilities that i hav hmm..
hmmmmm ok sounds good