Well im sure the full version would be alot longer so he must hve trimmed it and also as in my knowledge he already must have deleted the vid from his computer but he knows the best ^^"
well ive tried making them for NTSC but forms dont know why cant be allies in NTSC but still show me the code maybe ill try to complete them well tht code maked you DW Roxas with finals Arms and well the keyblades r not included
well since none of the guys here knw the ans to that so they arent replying,you cant force a guy to reply to you when they dont know the ans
i think that code has already been made by razor and here it is ^^" jus use the code 0ZCK-373M-8ZEYF GKMF-G0EA-C5K8F H29Q-GBJN-X3JTW 7914-9ZE1-JKH97 VHW3-XTJX-64P81 4XCY-3C7P-F1CAC W6U9-QC08-AYZKN F4W0-JJJZ-1CTP6 XGMM-VJZR-C8DXR E3E9-E462-D0ZE9
umm syrt but wht?? o.O
3.Is possible but additional weapon slot impossible 5.On the first Page 7.impossible the drive forms cant have roxas body and their msets 8.use the UCM 9.on the first page 13.thts already possible yet another UCM
u do knw tht almost all of those things are impossible and cant be dont since roxas,mickey and all the other things you requested the game ID doesnt have those things nor does it have the animations for them to do those resulting them into T-Stance nope tht code hasnt been made and i think cant be made even
yup i think thts supposed to crash and hmm well kk wait let me try about final sora and roxas and well ill tell you the results
hmm well hve u tried giving only roxas top final soras top??
thts because then you give him Final Forms sub status
well the last code wasnt made by me it was made by an other coder so yeah ^^"
well tht codes allow tht whn u drive into valor u would b DW Anti form
umm jose tht one doesnt allows Limits to b used........ and besides use the old code it works with me DW Limit Form 01CDB31F 00000008 21CD6208 58455F57 21CD620C 5F303130 21CD6210 4631484B 1032EE94 00000220 ---->(Second Weapon)
use this code Drive Into Valor 11CFA404 00000059 21ceff94 58455f57 21ceff98 5f303130 21ceff9c 46544c55 21ceffA0 0000525f 21ceffb4 58455f57 21ceffb8 5f303130 21ceffbc 46544c55 21ceffc0 00004c5f 21cb991c 04020000
well i dont knw bout gummi ship codes but i didnt understood ur Q about Anti form with finals and antis moveset??what does that supposed to mean??
umm wait even the pic you showed me is DW Limit.......... whats the difference??
well you arent supposed to equip oathkeeper keyblade AND try jokering the code since its working fine for me
oh lol nah its not tht its just tht i havent actually played MMBN6 thts y i couldnt tell ^^"
Use this 01CDB31F 00000008 1032EE94 00000220 21cd6208 58455f57 21cd620c 5f303130 21cd6210 46544c55 21cd6214 00004c5f 21cd61e8 58455f57 21cd61ec 5f303130 21cd61f0 46544c55 21cd61f4 0000525f dont use limits since u wont have a keyblade and dont use guard since u wont have a keyblade when doing these two things