lol nice work jose ;)
umm effects mods are really easy to make actually not only soonuboy ubt alot of other guys/coders know how to give ones effects to another
yup i knw i had the same problem
My pleasure dude ;)
Final Form: 21cb9a54 00303031 --- Model 21cb9a74 5f303031 21cb9a78 46544c55 21cb9a7c 65736d2e 21cb9a80 00000074 21cb9a4c 09000001 21cb9a94...
yup i knw and well dont think so since my code works great but they have the normal sora model
yup i tired tht code and also i fixed it meaning gave him weapons but when the battle starts the game crashes
the code crashed............
well other models seems to crash them so no and well ill think bout makin them
well the model mod are the first 2-3 three lines and also it doesnt matter if they hve different character or same since you ARE replacing donald so yeah i used it on my EMU and well i activated the code and changed areas and well the game crashed so yeah
FInally guys i was able to make allies code for this version and also notice tht wisdom form crashes the game for some reason so i didnt made him and also their original models crashes he game so i used soras model so yeah here they are : Spoiler Drive Forms (Allies )(Donald) Roxas: 11CFA3FE 0000005A 21cb992c 01000001 21cb9974 0001000D 2037b890 61786f72 2037b894 00000073 21CEF10C 0000076E DW Roxas: 11CFA3FE 00000323 21cc382c 01000001 21cc3874 000A0006 2037b890 61786f72 2037b894 00000073 21CEF10C 0000076E Sora: 11CFA3FE 00000062 21cb9c30 58455f50 21cb9c34 00303031 21cb9c50 58455f50 21cb9c54 2e303031 21cb9c58 7465736d 21cfbe1c 005600b2 10340478 000001f4 21cb9c74 00010007 21c95088 00FF00FF 21c9508c 00FF00FF 20340488 06060606 Valor Form: 11CFA3FE 00000062 21cb9c30 58455f50 21cb9c34 00303031 21cb9c50 58455f50 21cb9c54 5f303031 21cb9c58 464c5442 21cb9c5c 65736d2e 21cb9c60 00000074 21cfbe1c 005600b2 20340478 005001F4 21cb9c74 00020007 Master Form: 11CFA3FE 00000062 21cb9c30 58455f50 21cb9c34 00303031 21cb9c50 58455f50 21cb9c54 5f303031 21cb9c58 46495254 21cb9c5c 65736d2e 21cb9c60 00000074 21cfbe1c 005600b2 20340478 005001F4 21cb9c74 00040007 Final Form: 11CFA3FE 00000062 21cb9c30 58455f50 21cb9c34 00303031 21cb9c50 58455f50 21cb9c54 5f303031 21cb9c58 46544c55 21cb9c5c 65736d2e 21cb9c60 00000074 21cfbe1c 005600b2 20340478 005001F4 21cb9c74 00050007 Anti Form: 11CFA3FE 00000062 21cb9c30 58455f50 21cb9c34 00303031 21cb9c50 58455f50 21cb9c54 5f303031 21cb9c58 464c5448 21cb9c5c 65736d2e 21cb9c60 00000074 21cfbe1c 005600b2 20340478 005001F4 21cb9c74 00060007 Drive Forms (Allies )(Goofy) Roxas: 11CFA400 0000005A 21cb992c 13000001 21cb9974 0001000D 2037b890 61786f72 2037b894 00000073 21CEF10C 0000076E 21cfbe74 005600b2 DW Roxas: 11CFA400 00000323 21cc382c 03000001 21cc3874 000A0003 2037b890 61786f72 2037b894 00000073 21CEF10C 0000076E 21cfbdfc 003f00ac 21cb9a94 000a0003 203400a8 005001f4 Sora: 21cb9a54 00303031 21cb9a74 2e303031 21cb9a78 7465736d 21cb9a4c 09000001 21cb9a94 00010009 21cfbe2c 005600b2 20340660 000001f4 Valor Form: 21cb9a54 00303031 21cb9a74 5f303031 21cb9a78 464c5442 21cb9a7c 65736d2e 21cb9a80 00000074 21cb9a4c 09000001 21cb9a94 00020009 21cfbe2c 005600b2 20340660 005001f4 Master Form: 21cb9a54 00303031 21cb9a74 5f303031 21cb9a78 46495254 21cb9a7c 65736d2e 21cb9a80 00000074 21cb9a4c 09000001 21cb9a94 00040009 21cfbe2c 005600b2 20340660 005001f4 Final Form: 21cb9a54 00303031 21cb9a74 5f303031 21cb9a78 46544c55 21cb9a7c 65736d2e 21cb9a80 00000074 21cb9a4c 09000001 21cb9a94 00050009 21cfbe2c 005600b2 20340660 005001f4 Anti Form: 21cb9a54 00303031 21cb9a74 5f303031 21cb9a78 464c5448 21cb9a7c 65736d2e 21cb9a80 00000074 21cb9a4c 09000001 21cb9a94 00060009 21cfbe2c 005600b2 20340660 005001f4 the code crashes the game
well i gave the boss sora final forms animations so if we remove final form then boss sora wont be able to do that animations ^^" and thanks ^^ and lol yup it would look good on it :P
Yo Guys im back with a new vid and well this thought just randomly occured to my mind that i should try to fix that sora code i was working on a while back and well yeah here it is ^^" but its still got some bugs and well i need to fix those too so yeah ENJOY
yup and ill help you in the next vid ;) :P
sure show me the code Anti form Ally code
nice work,you learned it ^^ and well u should have used the infinite HP code and also tht movie mod code
thats natural it happenes sometimes when the code mixes with the events
oh lol :P didnt i gave tht code a few pages back??
yup nice work Austin and yeah you are improving through how you were before ^^ and well atleast the role mods came handy XD