well alot of allys code couldnt be properly ported to NTSC but i can give u the one i have Kingdom Hearts II NTSC Codes Allies Drive Forms...
have you jokered the code?? and if you have then try changing the master code since it creates a lot of problems
Hmm guys i dropped hacking for some time cause i wasnt really feeling up for it but recently i just got interested at hacking again so i wanted to ask you guys that do you want me to continue this little strange projecy of mine :P Spoiler
Yo i remember you know ^^ how have u been??
NICE XDD want me to hack it :P
Well i might have been a little rusted since i haven't hacked for like months but sure ill try ^^
thanks also can u send me the link of ur profile i might remem u ^^"
boss as an only an hittable boss or a complete boss which also attacks u and stuff??
well i think i still have the screenshot when i was devolping the code but not the finla code its still in developing and needs to be textured and...
kk ill be sure to be careful thanks ^^
hmm but giving him Valors moveset will at most do is only goin to make the guage deplete so he can revert back to sora when the guage empties EDIT: also was working on this code a long time ago and well i might finish this up and make leon Vanitas make Sora somewhat resemblances to Ven but thts also a might ;P Spoiler
oh really,sry but i cnt remem ^^"
oh lol nice well i made a code of Ven,Terra and advances Sora vs Vanitas but its still underdevelopment and m not finishing it anymore :P
yo,im good wht bout u??
styx by PS3 hacking i meant its game hacking ^^" like we hack PS2 games like KH2 and things ^^"
Its been a long time but oh well finally im here XDD Spoiler
hmm maybe,oh well have u tried changing the master code??
Hmm guys do you think PS3 Hacking is possible??
thanks hope u like them ^^
u mean staff??