I'm fine, haha, And I'm also behind schedule. My deadline is in 2 weeks, and I still have to get started...
I'm doing okay. I still need to thank you for all the help... Want a story or a drawning?
Hello there! Hows life?
Such a shame, I should ask people to join us, XP
Hello there! How are you?
Maybe he feels ill... Well, anyway, the poké battle is a little dead...
And you? Wheres Cody btw?
School, XP
Hey there! How are you?
XP, Yayz, the game is on, XP *cheerz with ponpon*
XP, *pics up ponpons* Vaporeon-tan! Use Aurora Beam!!! *^_^*
Ah, okay, we can think about somthing, XP
Indeed, thank again guys, XP, I was almost searching for a new Anime to watch...
I'll choose Vaporeon...*waits*
Ah, not yet, I just ariived...
There are three trailers, ladys an gentleman! Want to see them? The link is below! Enjoy! http://www.hagaren-movie.net/#/trailer To be honest, I dunno what it is about... Something about a chimera... I'm very dissapointed about Aru in armor... I expected some more, unfortunately.
Hehe, I did, XP, A little aye, but better late than never...
I'm fine, haha, how are you?
So, hey there guys, I'll be leaving you! Talk to you later!
Xp, but then again, thanks for your help!