Yeah, I know, workin on that, but my teacher keeps walking by...>3<
Ah, haha, no I did not, I would like to, but I had to really long days, so I think I'll watch it in the weekend, I'll pm you a review, ok?
Presentation? How do you mean? and I truly think you are a genius at things like this! So, yeah, I'll join, haha
Cody! *huggles* haha, I think I'll join your rp ^_^
I'm doig fine, haha
Hey, haha, okay, I will read the story, okay ^_^
Super sweet! Haha, even if it's fake, it is enjoyable! (I do believe you bushy, really, I do) It's so awesome, XP
I'm doing fine, thank you,haha, I still have to be at school for 15 minutes, and then I'm free for the rest of the day, XP
Haha, 8.45, I'm lazy!
Hello there, how are you?
Hello there! How are you?
Hello there! Actually, no, I'm still at school, I'll watch it in the weekend, Xp, then I'll have time for it... Ah, and Mikey said you weren't...
I mean the things cheerleaders use, XP, or are they called pompoms? And I do not mistrread Panpours! They are adorable!
Cody! Omg, where were you! Don't dissapear like that! o.O
Owja, that's really nice, haha. I can understand german when it's written, It sounds and looks a lot like dutch...
This new thing? Haha, It's nothing special, I send you an email, random taling, maybe a nice drawning or two, and when you recieve it, and read...
Super awesome, haha! I also made an Axel once.. But I think Im going to redo that....
Haha, ik doe altijd gewoon wat ik zelf leuk vind. Ik doe nu kunst, omdat ik wil gaan animeren, en het is super grappig en relaxed... Kans dat ik...
Hey, hello there! How are you?